
> Bonjour,
> /etc/init.d/mysql
> [code]
> root@alpha30:~# systemctl status mysql.service
> ● mysql.service - MySQL Community Server
>    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service; enabled; vendor preset: 
> enabled)
>    Active: active (running) since dim. 2016-08-14 09:51:36 CEST; 7h ago
>  Main PID: 2336 (mysqld_safe)
>    CGroup: /system.slice/mysql.service
>            ├─2336 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
>            └─2757 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql 
> --plugin-dir=/usr/lib/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mysql/error.log --pi
> août 14 09:51:35 alpha30 systemd[1]: Starting MySQL Community Server...
> août 14 09:51:36 alpha30 mysqld_safe[2336]: 160814 09:51:36 mysqld_safe Can't 
> log to error log and syslog at the same time.  Remove all --log-error con
> août 14 09:51:36 alpha30 mysqld_safe[2336]: 160814 09:51:36 mysqld_safe 
> Logging to '/var/log/mysql/error.log'.
> août 14 09:51:36 alpha30 mysqld_safe[2336]: 160814 09:51:36 mysqld_safe 
> Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
> août 14 09:51:36 alpha30 systemd[1]: Started MySQL Community Server.
> root@alpha30:~# 
> [/code]

# /etc/init.d/mysql
Usage: /etc/init.d/mysql start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status
# /etc/init.d/mysql start
[....] Starting MySQL database server: mysqldPas de répertoire, connexion avec 
[FAIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . failed!
# /etc/init.d/mysql force-reload
[....] Reloading MySQL database server: mysqld/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to 
server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' 
# /etc/init.d/mysql status
[info] MySQL is stopped..

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Ph. Gras

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