Bonjour à tous, 

Je dispose d'un jeux Linux qui fonctionnait parfaitement dans une architecture 
32 bits, il semblerait que ce jeu puisse 
fonctionner dans sous une architecture 64 bits garce au paquet ia32-libs. 
Malheureusement ce paquet n'existe plus...... 
Voici le contenu du fichier ReadMeHowToinstall.txt: 
''How To Install ? 

This game has been sucessfully tested on Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit, as it is. 

It has been reported to work on several other configurations, with or without 
addition install steps. 

To install it, just decompress the .gz and put the folder wherever you want ; 
be sure to have read/write/exec rights on the extracted folder, then launch the 
main binary to play the game. 

64-bit Linux: 
If your distrib is 64-bit, you'll need to install 32-bit libs. On some systems, 
this should do the trick: 
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs 

On Ubuntu 14.10 64bit, the following instructions have been reported to work: 
sudo apt-get install libcurl3:i386 
sudo apt-get install libvorbisfile3:i386 

This game requires the following libraries, which are in the SdlLib subfolder : 
SDL 1.2.15+ 
SDL_Image 1.2.10+ (actually, 1.2.12 is in SdlLib, which requires JPEG v8d, also 
in SdlLib) 
SDL_Mixer 1.2.12+ 
MikMod 3.1.12 
Mad (version unknown) 
Tiff 4.0.0 

The following library is also needed, but not bundled with the game : 
LibCurl 32-bit version (it might be included in ia32-libs if your system is 

Que dois-je faire? 
Merci pour vos conseils 

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