On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 02:19:05PM +0100, Eric Dillenseger wrote: > > Doc de Mutt: > [snip] > > # shell command and input should be read from its stdout. > ^^^^^^ > Oui mais, le script ne renvoie pas la sig sur stdout mais dans > .signature > Je vais voir si j'arrive ? arranger ?a, mais je ne m'y connais pas en > perl alors...
Aaah alors le problème est legerement different. Don't fear, Mutt n'est jamais à cours de ressources: <Doc de mutt> Usage: send-hook [!]pattern command This command can be used to execute arbitrary configuration commands based upon recipients of the message. pattern is a regular expression matching the desired address. command is executed when regexp matches recipients of the message. When multiple matches occur, commands are executed in the order they are specified in the muttrc. See ``Message Matching in Hooks'' for information on the exact format of pattern. Example: send-hook mutt "set mime_forward signature=''" </doc> Et aussi: <doc de mutt> shell-escape (default: !) Asks for an external Unix command and executes it. The ``$wait_key'' can be used to control whether Mutt will wait for a key to be pressed when the command returns (presumably to let the user read the output of the command), based on the return status of the named command. </doc> Donc dans ton cas: send-hook . "!my_script" Ce qui devrait vouloir dire: "A chaque fois que j'envoie un message, execute my_script (qui change mon fichier .signature)." Je sais pas si ça marche, cela dit. Sinon, le script devrait être changeable facilement; il devrait y avoir une ligne genre: open FILE "$ENV{HOME}/.signature"; à commenter, et une ligne: print FILE $stuff; à changer en: print $stuff; /Y -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]