nasila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bonjour,


> Merci pour tous type de liens, docs sur GNOME pour m'aider a reoudre
> ces deux problemes suite  a l'installation de GNOME sur Woody:
> 1/  Je ne peux pas me loger en root (gdm)

Il faut que tu saches avant tout que cela est deconseillé pour des
raisons de sécurité.

Mais si tu veux vraiment le faire, il faut :

     - que tu te connectes (gdm) avec ton utilisateur
     - ouvrir un terminal en root
     - lancer la commande 'gdmsetup' ou 'gdmconfig'
     - et cocher la case 'Allow root to login with GDM'

> 2/  Je recois le msg suivant une fois connecte
>   Your are not running a GNOME compliant Window Manager.

Q:  Where do window managers come into all this? What is a
"GNOME-compliant" window manager and do I need one?

A: The window manager is what decides how to display and move windows
about. X gives you the ability to have windows on your screen. The
window manager is what controls how they appear, how how move them
about, and what the borders of the window look like. There are many
many window managers out there.

GNOME doesn't require you to use any one particular window manager and
has no one "official" window manager. But you will get the most out of
GNOME if you use a GNOME-compliant one. A GNOME-compliant window
manager is one which co-operates with GNOME and understands
information that GNOME sends the window manager. Fully or largely
GNOME-compliant window managers include

Sawfish (until recently known as Sawmill; many people still call it
that) Enlightenment Window Maker IceWM Scwm FVWM (version 2.3)

Previous versions of this FAQ also referred to a few more as putting
the finishing touches to GNOME-compliancy: of these, the FAQ for Qvwm
does not mention GNOME; and the AfterStep FAQ refers to being as
GNOME-compliant as possible but prefers the AfterStep pager to those
offered by GNOME. (Comments from users of these welcomed.)

>From a practical point of view, picking one of the definitely
GNOME-compliant window managers is a good idea simply because most
GNOME users and developers use them and you are more likely to get
rapid answers from them due to familiarity. The currently in-vogue
window managers appear to be Sawfish, which is specifically designed
to work with GNOME, and Enlightenment, which was the first to be
designed to be compliant and was widely shipped with GNOME. A resolute
minority prefer the older but still popular Window Maker and FVWM
window managers.

Si tu veux de la doc il y a le site officiel de Gnome (la réponse
ci-dessus provient de la FAQ de ce site) :


Et aussi la commande :

$ gnome-help

A+. Greg.

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