Bonsoir ! 

Je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi lorsque je veux visionner un DVD
je me retrouve avec l'image renversée, le tête en bas ..... quelqu'un
peut-il me donner l'explication ?? 

voila ce qu'il me sort : 

MPlayer 0.90rc4-2.95.4 (C) 2000-2003 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS) 

Reading config file /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf 
Reading config file /root/.mplayer/config 
[cfg] read config file: /root/.mplayer/gui.conf 
Reading config file /root/.mplayer/gui.conf 
vo: X11 running at 1280x1024 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local
Reading /root/.mplayer/codecs.conf: can't open
'/root/.mplayer/codecs.conf': Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce typ 
Reading /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: 50 audio & 135 video codecs 
/usr/local/OpenOffice.org1.0/share/fonts/truetype/opens___.ttf doesn't
look like a font description, ignoring 
Cannot load font:
Failed to open /dev/rtc: Aucun périphérique de ce type (mplayer should
be setuid root or /dev/rtc should be readab 
le by the user.) 
Using usleep() timing 
Can't open input config file /root/.mplayer/input.conf : Aucun fichier
ou répertoire de ce type 
Input config file /etc/mplayer/input.conf parsed : 52 binds 
Opening joystick device /dev/input/js0 
Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0 : Aucun périphérique de ce
Can't init input joystick 
Setting up LIRC support... 
mplayer: could not connect to socket 
mplayer: Connexion refusée 
Failed to open LIRC support. 
You will not be able to use your remote control. 
SKIN dir 1: '/root/.mplayer/Skin' 
SKIN dir 2: '/usr/share/mplayer/Skin' 
cmd: 20 

Playing /dev/dvd 
Reading disc structure, please wait... 
There are 4 titles on this DVD. 
There are 28 chapters in this DVD title. 
There are 1 angles in this DVD title. 
DVD successfully opened. 
Cache fill:  0,00% (0 bytes)    MPEG-PS file format detected. 
VIDEO:  MPEG2  720x576  (aspect 3)  25,00 fps  9375,0 kbps (1171,9

Trying to force video codec driver family none ... 
Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough 
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 576 (preferred csp: Mpeg PES) 
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vop scale... 
Opening video filter: [scale] 
The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec. 
VDecoder init failed :( 
Opening video decoder: [libmpeg2] MPEG 1/2 Video decoder v2.0 
libmpeg2: Using MMX for IDCT transform 
libmpeg2: Using MMX for motion compensation 
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 576 (preferred csp: Planar YV12) 
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0) 
Opening video filter: [flip] 
Movie-Aspect is 1,78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect. 
VO: [xv] 720x576 => 1024x576 Planar YV12 
Selected video codec: [mpeg12] vfm:libmpeg2 (MPEG 1 or 2 (libmpeg2)) 

  Merci de votre aide ... 


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