On Wednesday 23 July 2003, at 21 h 6, the keyboard of Quentin Drouet 

> PS: merci d'avoir pensé à moi (nous communauté du libre, on pourra peut
> être avoir le supprt du firewire 2 avant Bill avec cet argent)

Complètement HS mais hilarant :


                            The 3rd Annual Nigerian
                            EMail Conference

            "Write better emails. Make more moneys."

           I am Mr. Laurent Mpeti Kabila, a senior assistant leader of the 
           United Front of Sierra Leone.

           I present to you an urgent and confidential request: I request your 
attendance at
           The 3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference. This is an excellent 
to meet your distinguished colleagues, learn new marketing techniques, and 
spend your
hard-earned money. Attending this conference demands the highest trust, 
security and
confidentiality between us.

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