la réponse est dans le fichier httpd.conf :
# Server-pool size regulation. Rather than making you guess how many
# server processes you need, Apache dynamically adapts to the load it
# sees --- that is, it tries to maintain enough server processes to
# handle the current load, plus a few spare servers to handle transient
# load spikes (e.g., multiple simultaneous requests from a single
# Netscape browser).
# It does this by periodically checking how many servers are waiting
# for a request. If there are fewer than MinSpareServers, it creates
# a new spare. If there are more than MaxSpareServers, some of the
# spares die off. The default values are probably OK for most sites.
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
# Number of servers to start initially --- should be a reasonable
# figure.
StartServers 5
net wrote:
J'voulais savoir s'il était tout à fait normal que pour que apache tourne,
celui-ci avait besoin d'autant de processus...
Auriez vous la réponse ?
root 295 0.0 1.1 2936 1424 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 300 0.0 1.2 3044 1576 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 301 0.0 1.2 3044 1576 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 302 0.0 1.2 3044 1572 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 303 0.0 1.2 3044 1572 ? S 11:04 0:00
root 304 0.0 1.6 3996 2084 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 313 0.0 0.6 2992 808 ? S 11:04 0:00
/usr/lib/apache-ssl/gcache 33 /var/run/gcache_port
www-data 314 0.0 1.2 3044 1636 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 315 0.0 1.8 4116 2316 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 316 0.0 1.8 4116 2316 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 317 0.0 1.8 4128 2312 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 318 0.0 1.8 4128 2288 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 319 0.0 1.6 4008 2104 ? S 11:04 0:00
www-data 331 0.0 1.2 3044 1572 ? S 11:22 0:00
www-data 342 0.0 1.2 3036 1628 ? S 11:24 0:00
www-data 1010 0.0 1.2 3044 1572 ? S 11:40 0:00
www-data 1011 0.0 1.2 3044 1572 ? S 11:40 0:00
www-data 1012 0.0 1.2 3044 1572 ? S 11:40 0:00
www-data 1017 0.0 1.6 4008 2104 ? S 11:40 0:00
www-data 1018 0.0 1.6 4008 2104 ? S 11:40 0:00
www-data 1019 0.0 1.6 4008 2104 ? S 11:40 0:00
root 1181 0.0 0.3 1336 468 tty2 S 12:18 0:00 grep apache
Merci A+N. Et.