>On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 10:47:40PM +0100, Eckhard Hoeffner wrote:
> * Arne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [07 02 02 21:58]:
> Na ja, das liegt wohl daran, dass "start" nicht gefunden wird.
> Normalerweise bei einem pop3-account hat man sowas wie 
> poll pop.mail.server  pass ....

Meine /etc/fecthmailrc
#/etc/fetchmailrc for system-wide daemon mode
# This file must be chmod 0600, owner fetchmail

# Daemon configuration
# These two are set in /etc/default/fetchmail
#set daemon     300             # Pool every 5 minutes
#set syslog                     # log through syslog facility

set no bouncemail               # avoid loss on 4xx errors
                                # on the other hand, 5xx errors get
                                # more dangerous...

# Hosts to pool

# Defaults ===============================================================
# Set antispam to -1, since it is far safer to use that together with
# no bouncemail
  antispam -1 
  batchlimit 100

#poll foo.bar.org with protocol pop3
#  user baka there is localbaka here;
poll pop.gmx.net proto POP3 uidl timeout 60
user '138xxxx' password 'xxxxx' user 138xxxx there is 'arne@rincewind' here
Vielen Dank Arne

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