Hallo Hartmut,

On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 22:17:29 +0100
Hartmut Figge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [Martin Troeger]:
> > Dafür musst du die beiden Zeilen in /etc/inputrc unterhalb von "#für
> > Pos1 und Ende im xterm" entkommentieren :-)
> Gibt's bei mir nicht. xfree 4.1.0-11. Sei doch nicht so schreibfaul :)
> Wie heissen sie?


# /etc/inputrc - global inputrc for libreadline
# See readline(3readline) and `info rluserman' for more information.

# Be 8 bit clean.
set input-meta on
set output-meta on

# To allow the use of 8bit-characters like the german umlauts, comment
out# the line below. However this makes the meta key not work as a meta
key,# which is annoying to those which don't need to type in 8-bit

# set convert-meta off

#für Pos1 und Ende im xterm
"\e[F":end-of-line[martin@bolle: /etc]$


Gruß, Martin

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