Hallo Guido,

* Guido Hennecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [22-02-02 17:31]:
> Hallo Udo,
> At 22.02.2002, Udo Müller wrote:
> > ich muß hier nen Rechner fertig machen und komm aber mit der Fritz
> > ISA PnP nicht so ganz klar.
> > 
> > Via modconf hab ich hisax konfiguriert, allerdings ohne irq für die
> > Karte. Wie kriege ich den raus?
> Den musst Du erstmal mit isapnp festlegen.
> pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf

cat /etc/isapnp.conf
# $Id: pnpdump_main.c,v 1.27 2001/04/30 21:54:53 fox Exp $ 
# Release isapnptools-1.26
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of the output file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information and FAQ on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# http://www.roestock.demon.co.uk/isapnptools/
# Trying port address 0273
# Trying port address 027b
# Trying port address 0283
# Trying port address 028b
# Trying port address 0293
# Trying port address 029b
# Trying port address 02a3
# Trying port address 02ab
# Trying port address 02b3
# Trying port address 02bb
# Trying port address 02c3
# Trying port address 02cb
# Trying port address 02d3
# Trying port address 02db
# Trying port address 02e3
# Trying port address 02eb
# Trying port address 02f3
# Trying port address 0303
# Trying port address 030b
# Trying port address 0313
# Trying port address 031b
# Trying port address 0323
# Trying port address 032b
# Trying port address 0333
# Trying port address 033b
# Trying port address 0343
# Trying port address 034b
# Trying port address 0353
# Trying port address 035b
# Trying port address 0363
# Trying port address 036b
# Trying port address 0373
# Trying port address 037b
# Trying port address 0383
# Trying port address 038b
# Trying port address 0393
# Trying port address 039b
# Trying port address 03a3
# Trying port address 03ab
# Trying port address 03b3
# Trying port address 03bb
# Trying port address 03e3
# Trying port address 03eb
# Trying port address 03f3
# No boards found

Hab ich irgendwas vergessen?

> > Im Moment fängt er nur an zu wählen und legt danach gleich wieder
> > auf. Debug-Meldungen sind nicht. Es werden selbst mit debug und
> > kdebug 10 nichts außer dialing triggered oder so ausgegeben. Also
> > nichts hilfreiches, was ich hier posten kann!
> Wenn er waehlt, dann scheint die Hardware aber doch zu funktionieren!?

Er zeigt mir zumindest das Dialing auf dem Monitor an. Ob was
passiert, weiß ich nicht.

Gruss Udo

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