On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 05:29:47PM +0100, Frank Niedermann wrote:
> nach einer frischen :) Woody-Installation habe ich folgene Ports
> geoeffnet:
> Port       State       Service
> 9/tcp      open        discard
> 13/tcp     open        daytime
> 25/tcp     open        smtp
> 37/tcp     open        time
> Ich weiss nicht genau was die Dienste discard, daytime und time
> machen,

| Inetd provides several ``trivial'' services internally by use of
| routines within itself. These services are ``echo'', ``discard'',
| ``chargen'' (character generator), ``daytime'' (human readable
| time), and ``time'' (machine readable time, in the form of the
| number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1900). All of these
| services are tcp based. For details of these services, consult the
| appropriate RFC from the Network Information Center.

> kann ich die bedenkenlos deaktivieren?

Mit chrony oder ntp hat das uebrigens nichts zu tun, die verwenden und
bieten NTP, ein client fuer TIME waere rdate.

rfc863, rfc867, rfc868.
                cu andreas

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