--- Begin Message ---
Ich kriege die Module für meine Sound-Karte einfach nicht geladen:

System: Woody 2.4.18 Alsa 0.9

soundkarte: Terratec 128 PCI - ESS Solo1 (ES1938)     --läuft mit OSS

Nachdem ich es endlich geschafft habe alsa-modules selber zu backen 
habe ich u.a. folgendes versucht:

# ./snddevice ausgeführt:
star:/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver# ./snddevices in /dev/snd ist nichts 

# alsaconf:
Loading driver:
ALSA driver (version 0.9.0beta10) is already running
Setting the PCM volume to 100% and the Master output volume to 50%     
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory         
Could not initialize the mixer, the card was probably                  
not detected correctly.

# alsamixer:
function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory

# alsaplayer:
snd_pcm_open: No such file or directory (default)
/usr/lib/alsaplayer/output/libalsa.so failed to load
I could not find a suitable output module on your
        system. Make sure they're in "/usr/lib/alsaplayer/output/".
        Use the -o parameter to select one.
failed to load output add-on. exitting...

--- End Message ---

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