
ich hab ein Problem mit XMgrace, und zwar wenn ich XMgrace starte kommen
diese Meldungen:

xmgrace: Symbol `_XmStrings' has different size in shared object,
  consider re-linking
Warning: Cannot convert string "#e5e5e5" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultBackground" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultForeground" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "#e5e5e5" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultBackground" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultForeground" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "#e5e5e5" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultBackground" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultForeground" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "#e5e5e5" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultBackground" to type Pixel
Warning: Cannot convert string "XtDefaultForeground" to type Pixel
The software was built with LessTif, but is running with Motif!
We don't support binary Motif/LessTif compatibility.
Use a semistatic binary or compile Grace yourself!
Failed initializing GUI, exiting
ich hab schon bei Google gesucht, hab aber leider nichts gefunden, ich
hab mir auch schon das src-package gezogen und es selbst kompiliert,
da kommen aber die selben Meldungen. An was kann das liegen?

Ich habe hier Debian-unstable.


| Oliver DUNKL                 
| http://dunkl.webhop.org
| registered linux user 271972

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