Frank Dietrich schrieb:
Hi Robert,

Robert Müller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PS: Ich würde ja lieber mal rausbekommen, ob es für gaim irgendwann
mal noch ICQ Filetransfer geben wird (oder schon irgendwie gibt?)

Laut der Gaim FAQ ( soll das schon seit 0.79 gehen.

Q. Does Gaim support file transfer? A. Somewhat, yeah. As of 0.79 the following is supported:

    * Sending and receiving files on AIM (although it might be a bit buggy)
    * Sending and receiving files on IRC
    * Sending and receiving files on Jabber
    * Sending and receiving files on MSN
    * Sending and receiving files on SILC
    * Sending and receiving files on Yahoo (sending is limited to 1Mb)

Most of the protocols themselves support file transfer, but Gaim has not been written to support it yet. If you would like file transfer to work better or be more complete, get CVS and submit a patch using the generic file transfer API.

--> grep ICQ | wc -l   ergibt leider 0 ;)

nette Grüße

schönen Abend noch Robert

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