Am Samstag, 19. Februar 2005 14:29 schrieb Michael Schueller:
> Also ich denke das die Lösung für Dein Problem in einem zusätzlichen
> Eintrag in der /etc/X11/XF86Config besteht.
> Section "Device"
>   BoardName    "GeForce2 Ti"
>   BusID        "2:0:0"
>   Driver       "nvidia"
>   Identifier   "Device[0]"
>   Option       "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT"  <-------hier statt dessen
> TFT 

Beim NVidia Treiber heißt die Option "DFP" anstatt "TFT".

Option "ConnectedMonitor" "string"
  Allows you to override what the NVIDIA kernel module
  detects is connected to your video card.  This may
  be useful, for example, if you use a KVM (keyboard,
  video, mouse) switch and you are switched away when
  X is started.  In such a situation, the NVIDIA kernel
  module cannot detect what display devices are connected,
  and the NVIDIA X driver assumes you have a single CRT.

  Valid values for this option are "CRT" (cathode ray
  tube), "DFP" (digital flat panel), or "TV" (television);
  if using TwinView, this option may be a comma-separated
  list of display devices; e.g.: "CRT, CRT" or "CRT, DFP".

  NOTE: anything attached to a 15 pin VGA connector is
  regarded by the driver as a CRT.  "DFP" should only be
  used to refer to flatpanels connected via a DVI port.
  Default: string is NULL.

Die komplette Readme des NVidia Treibers findest du hier:

Markus Schulz

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