Am 2005-03-02 23:22:22, schrieb Christian Frankerl:
> Hello Michelle,

> >>  # fetchmail -v -a -m /usr/bin/mail

>  Postfix 2.x

>  Keine ahnung, wird so von fetchmail erzeugt. Ähnliches format steht
>  aber auch auf der fetchmail-seite.

Da fehlt aber nochwas...

> >> poll protocol POP3
> >>      user [EMAIL PROTECTED] password TOPsecret
> >>      is chef here keep

>  hab's als user chef auch schon probiert. Gleicher Fehler nur mit dem
>  unterschied "#**No mail for chef".

Warum willst Du über postfix gehen ?

Hier steht:

  __( manpage 'fetchmailrc' )___________________________________________
| Formatiere fetchmailrc(1) neu, bitte warten...
| fetchmail(1)                                         fetchmail(1)


|        As  each  message is retrieved fetchmail normally delivers
|        it via SMTP to port 25 on the machine  it  is  running  on
|        (localhost), just as though it were being passed in over a
|        normal TCP/IP link.   The  mail  will  then  be  delivered
|        locally  via  your system's MDA (Mail Delivery Agent, usu­
|        ally sendmail(8) but your system may use a  different  one
|        such  as  smail, mmdf, exim, or qmail).  All the delivery-
|        control  mechanisms  (such  as  .forward  files)  normally
|        available  through  your  system  MDA  and  local delivery
|        agents will therefore work automatically.
|        If no port 25 listener is available,  you  must  configure
|        Debian fetchmail explicitly to use an MDA.


|        -m <command> | --mda <command>

|               ering  mail through an MDA.  Some possible MDAs are
|               "/usr/sbin/sendmail     -i     -f      %F      %T",
|               "/usr/bin/deliver"  and  "/usr/bin/procmail  -d %T"
|               (but the latter is usually redundant as  it's  what
|               SMTP  listeners normally forward to).  Local deliv­



Warum nicht über procmail oder maildrop ?

Da postfix sendmail compatibel ist, sollte  

  __( '/etc/fetchmailrc' )______________________________________________
| set no bouncemail
| set postmaster chef
| set invisible
| defaults:
|   antispam    -1
|   warnings    300
|   keep
|   mda         "/usr/bin/mail -d %T"
|   dropstatus
| poll protocol POP3
|   user "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" password TOPsecret is chef here


Dann einfach als root fetchmail starten.

>  Manueller Versand von Mails via "mail" klappt problemlos.

...und woher soll "mail" wissen, für wen die message ist ?

> Chris


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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