Moin Moin *,

Will heissen, es war ein Fehler bis zum DI RC3 dass das Base System
nicht mit installiert wurde. Angeblich gibt es ab RC3 eine
Moeglichkeit das Standardsystem abzuwaehlen (!= auszuwaehlen) im DI.

Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 12:10:23 -1000
From: Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rainer Bendig aka Ny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: D-I 20050331 installed ~400M?

FWIW, the feature that lets you skip installing the standard system was
added after the release of rc3 of the installer. With the exception of
woody, which had a bug, every debian release, and every d-i release has
always installed the standard system by default.

Rainer Bendig aka "Ny" |  | GnuPG-Key 0x41D44F10

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