Sven Hartge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "Bruno Hertz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Christian Frommeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Bruno Hertz schrieb am Montag, 11. April 2005 21:00:
>>>> Lösung wäre: subscribe die newsgroup und bringe deinem Client bei,
>>>> Followups an die Mailingliste zu posten. Für's Posten mußt du nämlich
>>> NICHT TUN!!!!!!! (nein meine Shift-Taste klemmt nicht)
>>> Das zerstört die Referenzen und damit das Threading in den Newsgroups und
>>> auch bei Mailclients, die ausschließlich nach References sortieren.
>>> News lesen -> News Posten!
>>> Mail lesen -> Mail Posten!
>> Bitte um Details. Z.B. diese Mail ist ein Followup auf einen Gmane
>> News Artikel.
> Bei Gmane funktioniert das so, bei _nicht_.

OK, abschließendes Statement von meiner Seite. Es funktioniert mit
Gmane, weil dort die Message IDs nicht umgeschrieben werden. Da dies
aber als 'undocumented feature' angesehen werden kann, daß sich auch
mal ändert, habe ich mal bei Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen, Autor von Gnus
und Maintainer von Gmane, angefragt. Hier meine Frage und seine

[quote "Meine Frage"]

 Hi Lars

 I've been looking through the FAQ for an entry about Gmane not
 rewriting Message IDs with no avail, so I guess it hasn't been asked
 that much. I'd still like, however, to ask if you could drop some
 words on this issue.

 Especially on the German Debian User list there's been extended
 discussions why followups posted directly to mailing lists, thus
 effectively circumventing the news gateway, are possible with Gmane
 but not with gateways like The reason obviously being that
 the latter rewrites MIDs which then break references.

 Gmane apparently behaves differently, i.e. leaves MIDs intact, but
 this very much looks like an 'undocumented feature' which might change
 any day. Since it is still of relevance, I and I'm sure many others
 would highly appreciate some clarification on this matter. A FAQ entry
 would be even more great, just as point of reference for future

 Thanks very much, Bruno.

[end quote "Meine Frage"]

[quote "Larsi's Antwort"]

 > Gmane apparently behaves differently, i.e. leaves MIDs intact, but
 > this very much looks like an 'undocumented feature' which might change
 > any day. Since it is still of relevance, I and I'm sure many others
 > would highly appreciate some clarification on this matter.

 Unconditional Message-ID rewriting is pretty silly, and I don't know
 why anybody does that.  It break threading, might lead to injection
 loops on Usenet, makes it difficult to respond in a sensible way.

 So, no, Gmane is never going to start doing unconditional Message-ID
 rewriting.  (It's sometimes necessary when the same message is posted
 to several mailing lists, though.)

[quote end "Larsi's Antwort"]

Wer also *_BZGL. GMANE_* (ich fange an die hiesigen Gepflogenheiten zu
übernehmen) noch Einwände hat warum es ein Problem sein sollte am
Gateway vorbei zu posten, e.g. obskure Crossposting Features o.Ä., mag

Gruss, Bruno.

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