
Am Freitag, 29. April 2005 13:36 schrieb Volker Katz:
> Am Freitag 29 April 2005 13:06 schrieb Reinhold Fischer:
> > Am Freitag, 29. April 2005 12:41 schrieb Volker Katz:
> > > Am Freitag 29 April 2005 10:27 schrieb Reinhold Fischer:
> > > > Am Freitag, 29. April 2005 08:47 schrieb Volker Katz:
> > > > > ich versuche mich gerade daran den Courier als MTA und IMAP-Server zu
> > > > > installieren. Leider bin ich mit Debian nicht sehr vertraut, was mir
> > > > > hier
> > Ich bin gerade dabei mir Packages für Sarge zu basteln, da
> > ich vchkpw benötige.
> >
> > Wenn es funktioniert, kann ich dann die Anleitung zum
> > Package-Bau posten.
> Das wäre super! 

Hier ist die Anleitung, wie ich für Sarge die Packages baue:

root# apt-get install \
  libgdbm-dev \
  libvpopmail-dev \
  vpopmail-bin \
  openssl \
  libssl-dev \
  libmysqlclient10 \
  libvpopmail-freecdb \
  libvpopmail1 \
  mysql-common \
  libmysqlclient12-dev \
  libpam0g-dev \
  mgetty-fax \
  libldap2-dev \
  libsasl2-dev \
  libfam-dev \

user$ mkdir debbuild
user$ cd debbuild

user$ apt-get source courier

user$ cd courier-[0-9]*

user$ NEWVERSION=`dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Version: //p'`.rf.1
user$ [EMAIL PROTECTED] dch -v $NEWVERSION created packages for additional auth 

user$ cd debian

user$ cp -a rules rules.orig
user$ sed -e 's/--without-authpwd/--with-authpwd/g' \
          -e 's/--without-authshadow/--with-authshadow/g' \
          -e 's/--without-authvchkpw/--with-authvchkpw/g' \
          -e 's|\([[:space:]]*\)dh_movefiles.*|## Install additional auth 
modules\n\1cd authlib \&\& cp authpwd authshadow authvchkpw authcustom 
authuserdb authcram authtest authinfo authenumerate authdaemontest 
$(BUILD)/usr/lib/courier/authlib/ \n\1find $(BUILD)/usr/lib/courier/authlib/ 
-perm +u+x -type f \| xargs chmod u+rwx,go+rx\n\n&|' \
          -e 's/#*\([[:space:]]*\)dh_installchangelogs -p 
courier-authdaemon.*/&\n\1dh_installchangelogs -p 
courier-authpwd\n\1dh_installchangelogs -p 
courier-authshadow\n\1dh_installchangelogs -p 
courier-authvchkpw\n\1dh_installchangelogs -p 
courier-authcustom\n\1dh_installchangelogs -p 
courier-authuserdb\n\1dh_installchangelogs -p courier-authcram/' \
          -e 's/.*File(s) found not belonging to any package*/#&/' \
          rules.orig > rules
user$ diff rules.orig rules

user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authpwd"        > courier-authpwd.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authshadow"     > courier-authshadow.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authvchkpw"     > courier-authvchkpw.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authcustom"     > courier-authcustom.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authuserdb"     > courier-authuserdb.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authcram"       > courier-authcram.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authtest"       > courier-authtest.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authinfo"       > courier-authtest.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authenumerate"  > courier-authtest.files
user$ echo "usr/lib/courier/authlib/authdaemontest" > courier-authtest.files

user$ cat<<'__EOF__'>> control

Package: courier-authpwd
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, courier-base (>= ${RELUP}), courier-authdaemon (>= 
Suggests: courier-doc
Description: Courier Mail Server - Pwd Authentication
 This package contains the pwd authentication module for
 the Courier Mail Server.

Package: courier-authshadow
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, courier-base (>= ${RELUP}), courier-authdaemon (>= 
Suggests: courier-doc
Description: Courier Mail Server - Shadow Authentication
 This package contains the shadow authentication module for
 the Courier Mail Server.

Package: courier-authvchkpw
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, courier-base (>= ${RELUP}), courier-authdaemon (>= 
Suggests: courier-doc
Description: Courier Mail Server - VPopMail Authentication
 This package contains the vpopmail authentication module for
 the Courier Mail Server.

Package: courier-authcustom
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, courier-base (>= ${RELUP}), courier-authdaemon (>= 
Suggests: courier-doc
Description: Courier Mail Server - Custom Authentication
 This package contains the custom authentication module for
 the Courier Mail Server.

Package: courier-authuserdb
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, courier-base (>= ${RELUP}), courier-authdaemon (>= 
Suggests: courier-doc
Description: Courier Mail Server - UserDB Authentication
 This package contains the userdb authentication module for
 the Courier Mail Server.

Package: courier-authcram
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, courier-base (>= ${RELUP}), courier-authdaemon (>= 
Suggests: courier-doc
Description: Courier Mail Server - CRAM Authentication
 This package contains the cram authentication module for
 the Courier Mail Server.

Package: courier-authtest
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, courier-base (>= ${RELUP}), courier-authdaemon (>= 
Suggests: courier-doc
Description: Courier Mail Server - Test Authentication
 This package contains the test authentication module for
 the Courier Mail Server.

cd ..

user$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot

user$ ls -1 courier-auth*

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Reinhold Fischer

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