Udo Mueller:
> Ich möchte, daß mutt per default eine Kopie der ausgehenden Mails in
> dem Folder gespeichert wird, aus dem heraus die Mail geschrieben
> wird.


  4.7.  Mailbox Shortcuts

  There are a number of built in shortcuts which refer to specific
  mailboxes.  These shortcuts can be used anywhere you are prompted for
  a file or mailbox path.

  o  ! -- refers to your ``$spoolfile'' (incoming) mailbox

  o  > -- refers to your ``$mbox'' file

  o  < -- refers to your ``$record'' file

  o  ^ -- refers to the current mailbox

  o  - or !! -- refers to the file you've last visited

  o  ~ -- refers to your home directory

  o  = or + -- refers to your ``$folder'' directory

  o  @alias -- refers to the ``default save folder'' as determined by
     the address of the alias

^ ist wohl was Du suchst. Ist auch noch recht neu, das Feature.

I can tell a Whopper[tm] from a BigMac[tm] and Coke[tm] from Pepsi[tm].
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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