
Ich habe ein kleines Problem mit dem amavis-new.
Ich habe das auf mehreren Servern konfiguriert und es läuft auch wunderbar, inklusive Einbindung von SpamAssassin.

Was ich aber nicht verstehe, wieso er nur auf dem einen Server jede Übergabe an fprotd in "/var/log/mail.log" loggt, während (gleiche Konfiguration!) er das auf anderen nicht macht.

Dec 13 00:24:00 srv fprotd[6855]: Scanner arguments: -dumb -archive -packed Dec 13 00:24:00 srv fprotd[6855]: Scanning file: /var/lib/amavis/amavis-20051213T002235-05935/parts/part-00005

Es ist Nichts in Syslog, und die Logging-Section aus amavis.conf:

# Section III - Logging


# true (e.g. 1) => syslog; false (e.g. 0) => logging to file

$DO_SYSLOG = 1; # (defaults to false)

#$SYSLOG_LEVEL = 'user.info'; # (facility.priority, default 'mail.info')

# Log file (if not using syslog)

$LOGFILE = "/var/log/amavis.log"; # (defaults to empty, no log)

#NOTE: levels are not strictly observed and are somewhat arbitrary

# 0: startup/exit/failure messages, viruses detected

# 1: args passed from client, some more interesting messages

# 2: virus scanner output, timing

# 3: server, client

# 4: decompose parts

# 5: more debug details

#$log_level = 2; # (defaults to 0)

# Customizable template for the most interesting log file entry (e.g. with # $log_level=0) (take care to properly quote Perl special characters like '\') # For a list of available macros see README.customize .

# only log infected messages (useful with log level 0):

$log_templ = '[? %#V |[? %#F ||banned filename ([%F|,])]|infected ([%V|,])]# [? %#V |[? %#F ||, from=[?%o|(?)|<%o>], to=[<%R>|,][? %i ||, quarantine %i]]# |, from=[?%o|(?)|<%o>], to=[<%R>|,][? %i ||, quarantine %i]]';

# log both infected and noninfected messages (default):

#$log_templ = '[? %#V |[? %#F |[?%#D|Not-Delivered|Passed]|BANNED name/type (%F)]|INFECTED (%V)], # #[?%o|(?)|<%o>] -> [<%R>|,][? %i ||, quarantine %i], Message-ID: %m, Hits: %c';

Weiß Jemand, wo ich da einen Gedankenfehler mache?



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