Heute (12.01.2006/14:40 Uhr) schrieb Frank Küster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),

>> [What happens in case of a hardware defect?]
>> Systems are monitored 24x7 with Nagios(Linux) and What's up (Windows).
>> For accounting purposes, there's a Device Values Grapher Installation.
>> In case of a service oder hardware failure, the NOC is informed by
>> email/SMS/Pager. The customer is informed if necesary or the hardware is
>> replaced. Backup is brought in. There's no guaranteed repair time.

> Ich weiß nicht, was "Backup einspielen" heißt, aber "bring in" klingt
> IMO nicht gut.

recovery a backup

> Regards, Frank

Viele Gruesse, Kind regards,
 Jim Knuth
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