Le Montag 27 März 2006 22:30, Sam Bruhin a écrit :
> Klaus Becker schrieb:
> > Moin,
> >
> > welches sind die richtigen Berechtigungen für /tmp?
> >
> > chmod .... /tmp
> >
> > danke
> >
> > Klaus
> Hallo Klaus
> Auch wenn du es schon gelöst hast hier noch eine Info auf:
> http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/usc20_full.html

> ENSURE that the permissions on /tmp are set to 1777. (i.e. the sticky
> bit should be set) The owner MUST always be root and group ownership
> should be set to group-id 0 or "system". If the sticky bit is set, no
> one other than the owner can delete the file /tmp/.X11-unix/X0, which is
> a socket for your X server. Once this file is deleted, your X server
> will no longer be accessible. See C.14 for example commands to set the
> correct permissions and ownership for /tmp.
> Gruss
> Sam

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