Martin Müller - Rudolf Hausstein OHG:
> Mar 30 13:47:19 localhost syslogd 1.4.1#17: restart.
> Mar 30 13:47:19 localhost kernel: klogd 1.4.1#17, log source = 
> /proc/kmsg started.
> Mar 30 13:47:19 localhost kernel: Inspecting /
> Mar 30 13:47:19 localhost kernel: Loaded 43360 symbols from /
> Mar 30 13:47:19 localhost kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.6.16.
> Mar 30 13:47:19 localhost kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel 
> modules not enabled.

Liest sich so, als hättest Du den Support für zur Laufzeit nachladbare
Kernelmodule abgestellt. Leicht zu finden in der Kernelkonfiguration
unter "Loadable Module Support".

I wish I could achieve a 'just stepped out of the salon' look more
often. Or at least once.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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