Matthias Haegele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gibt es irgendwas in der Art:


Kenn ich nicht...

> also einen "Auslastungstest" etc. für Debian/Linux um evtl. defekte HW
> erkennen zu können?.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ apt-cache search stress test
crashme - Stress tests operating system stability
stress - A tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system
cpuburn - a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU
fuzz - stress-test programs by giving them random input
hammerhead - stress testing tool for web server and web site
ivi - graphical front-end for various HDL simulators
ltp - The Linux Test Project test suite
opensyncutils - Command line utilities for libopensync
posixtestsuite - POSIX conformance test suite (dummy package)
siege - Http regression testing and benchmarking utility

und dann gibts da noch:
spew - I/O performance measurement and load generation tool

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