On 15.10.06 09:19:07, Kai Hildebrandt wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >> Kann das jemand bestätigen oder liegt es ggf. an einer
> >> Misskonfiguration meinerseits?
> > 
> > Welche Version? Welche Optionen? Hier hab ich keine Probleme, naja bei
> > der experimental-Zeile nimmt sich der apt-proxy immer ne kleine
> > Auszeit. Es laeuft Version 1.9.35 hier, ich hab bisher das
> > http-pipelining deaktiviert, aber grad mal wieder aktiviert. Mal sehen
> > ob sich da was aendert.
> > 
> Also bei mir hängt er beim Paketlisten Update und der Timeout schlägt
> zu.
> Da es aber weder bei apt-proxy noch dem twist-Framework ein Update gab,
> weiß ich nicht, was da los sein könnte.
> Welche experimental Zeile meinst du?

Ich meine die Zeile in meiner sources.list fuer experimental. Da
"haengt" apt-proxy immer ne Weile, die anderen Eintraege gehen deutlich

Ich haenge mal meine apt-proxy conf an, vllt. stoesst du ja auf etwas...


PS: Faellt mir grad so ein (weil man ja selten dran denkt): Platz hast
du aber noch genug?

Beware of low-flying butterflies.
;; All times are in seconds, but you can add a suffix
;; for minutes(m), hours(h) or days(d)

;; Server IP to listen on
;address =

;; Server port to listen on
port = 9999

;; Control files (Packages/Sources/Contents) refresh rate
;; Minimum time between attempts to refresh a file
min_refresh_delay = 1m

;; Minimum age of a file before attempting an update (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
;min_age = 23h

;; Uncomment to make apt-proxy continue downloading even if all
;; clients disconnect.  This is probably not a good idea on a
;; dial up line.
;; complete_clientless_downloads = 1

;; Debugging settings.
;; for all debug information use this:
;; debug = all:9
debug = all:4 db:0

;; Debugging remote python console
;; Do not enable in an untrusted environment
;telnet_port = 9998
;telnet_user = apt-proxy
;telnet_password = secret

;; Network timeout when retrieving from backend servers
timeout = 15

;; Cache directory for apt-proxy
cache_dir = /var/cache/apt-proxy

;; Use passive FTP? (default=on)
;passive_ftp = on

;; Use HTTP proxy?
;http_proxy = host:port

;; Limit download rate from backend servers (http and rsync only), in bytes/sec
;bandwidth_limit = 100000

;; Enable HTTP pipelining within apt-proxy (for test purposes)

;; Cache housekeeping

;; Time to perform periodic housekeeping:
;;  - delete files that have not been accessed in max_age
;;  - scan cache directories and update internal tables
cleanup_freq = 12h

;; Maximum age of files before deletion from the cache (seconds)
max_age = 60d

;; Maximum number of versions of a .deb to keep per distribution
max_versions = 3

;; Add HTTP backends dynamicaly if not already defined? (default=on)
;dynamic_backends = on

;; Backend servers
;; Place each server in its own [section]

;; The main Debian archive
;; You can override the default timeout like this:
;timeout = 30

;; Rsync server used to rsync the Packages file (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
;;rsyncpackages = rsync://ftp.de.debian.org/debian

;; Backend servers, in order of preference
backends = 

;; Debian security archive
backends = 

;; Christian Marillats Packages
backends = http://www.debian-multimedia.org

;; Ubuntu archive
;backends = http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

;; Ubuntu security updates
;backends = http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

;; OpenOffice.org packages
;backends =
;       http://ftp.freenet.de/pub/debian-openoffice
;       http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/OpenOffice.deb
;       http://borft.student.utwente.nl/debian
;; Apt-proxy new versions
;backends = http://apt-proxy.sourceforge.net/apt-proxy

;; backports.org
;backends = http://backports.org/debian

;; Blackdown Java
;backends = http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/languages/java/linux/debian

;; people.debian.org
;backends = http://people.debian.org

;; The Emdebian project
;backends = http://emdebian.sourceforge.net/emdebian

;; An example using an rsync server.  This is not recommended
;; unless http is not available, becuause rsync is only more
;; efficient for transferring uncompressed files and puts much
;; more overhead on the server.  See the rsyncpacakges parameter 
;; for a way of rsyncing just the Packages files.
;backends = rsync://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian

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