Hallo G.Wendebourg!

G.Wendebourg schrieb am Dienstag, den 07. November 2006:

> Noch einmal zur Klarstellung:
> es geht um einen lokalen Server mit DynIP, per DynDNS angebunden, also
> ein nicht ganz seltenes Arrangement.

cb:~$ aptitude show msmtp |sed -ne '/Description/,$p'
Description: light SMTP client with support for server profiles
 msmtp is an SMTP client that can be used to send mails from Mutt and probably
 other MUAs (mail user agents). It forwards mails to an SMTP server (for example
 at a free mail provider), which takes care of the final delivery. Using
 profiles, it can be easily configured to use different SMTP servers with
 different configurations, which makes it ideal for mobile clients. 
 This package is compiled with GSASL and TLS/SSL support.

> Aber solche einfachen bzw. naheliegenden Anforderungen ueberfordern
> anscheinend noch das Debian-Softwareangebot?

Hier listet aptitude search smtp mta jede Menge Alternativen.
Persönlich habe ich mit nullmailer und msmtp gute Erfahrungen gemacht.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
23. You can't call your mother...she doesn't have a modem.

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