* Reuteler Gerhard   LG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01 10 02 13:13]:

>my homedirectory /home/gerhard is still here - root can read in it 
>- but user gerhard has no access to it. In /etc/passwd there is still 
>/home/gerhard for user gerhard. 

>How can this happen?
Doing the wrong thing as root is quite common for such results.

Maybe you should use the German language and send some more information
like  $ ls -l /home/gerhard 

chown -R gerhard.gerhard /home/gerhard/* 
chown  gerhard.gerhard /home/gerhard
can fix your problem. 

Eckhard Höffner
D-80331 München
Tel. +49-89-21 03 18 88 

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