Hallo Tilo > >> 91011, USA, with +49 6361/994528, Rockenhausen Normal call clearing ^^^^^ diese Nummer ist mir unbekannte > >> (Private network serving local user) > > > >... und da keine Daten-Verbindung zustande kommt wird wieder aufgelegt
Die Karte scheint wohl zu laufen um wirklich sicher zu gehen öffne $ less +F /var/log/messages und ruf die Nummer deiner Karte an. Du solltest dann eine Meldung sehen in der die Nummer von der Du anrufst ausgegeben wird und das dieser Anruf abgelehnt wird. In der /etc/isdn/device.ippp0 sollten die Nummern folgendermaßen angegeben werden. LOCALMSN='06361994528' # Dies Nummer habe ich aus deinen Mails stimmt sie? REMOTEMSN='0191011' In der /etc/isdn/isdn.conf sollten folgende Einträge Überprüft werden [GLOBAL] COUNTRYPREFIX = + COUNTRYCODE = 49 AREAPREFIX = 0 # EDIT THIS LINE: AREACODE = 6361 # Dies Nummer habe ich aus deinen Mails stimmt sie? Zum T-Online Login diese wir folgendermaßen angegeben AAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTMMMM oder AAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT#MMMM d.h.: A=Anschlußkennung; T=T-Online Nr. ; M=Mitbenutzernummer Ist deine T-Online Nr. 12stelig die Mitbenutzernummer direkt anfügen ist sie nur 11stellig wird die 12te Stelle durch ein # ersetzt Schau nach ob die /etc/resolv.conf existiert ansonsonsten anlegen $ cat > /etc/resolv.conf nameserver [Strg]+D In der /etc/ppp/pap-secrets sollte folgender Eintrag zu finden sein AAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTMMMM "*" "PPPPPPP" oder "AAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT#MMMM" "*" "PPPPPPP" P steht für dein Passwort Die /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0 hänge ich dieser Mail an die Zeile name 'AAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTMMMM' # set local name for auth XXX_ mußt Du da aber noch anpassen. Ich denke danach sollte Deine Isdn Verbindung funktionieren. Viel Glück Kurt
# Options file for ipppd. # ipppd will not read /etc/ppp/options or /etc/ppp/ioptions or any other # config file. Everything has to be in here. # "peer" is the name for our syncppp partner. # STANDARD OPTIONS #debug # enable debugging #kdebug X # set kernel debugging level to X #nodetach # (no) fork to the background #callback X # ask for callback (parameter X ?) #lock # create a lock file for device #domain X # add domain X to a given hostname #pidfile X # save pid in file X #call X # take options from privileges file (???) #idle X # idle time limit (seconds) #holdoff X # holdoff time limit (seconds) #maxconnect X # set maximum connection time (in seconds ?) #+mp # enable multi line ppp #+pwlog # log password (WARNING: possible security hole) #nomagic # magic number negotiation # ppp handshake : tuning #silent # don't even try to initiate the connection #passive # wait for the peer to initiate the connection #lcp-echo-failure X # consecutive echo failures #lcp-echo-interval X # time for lcp echo events lcp-restart 1 # Set timeout for LCP #lcp-max-terminate X # Set max #xmits for term-reqs #lcp-max-configure X # Set max #xmits for conf-reqs #lcp-max-failure X # Set max #conf-naks for LCP # AUTHENTICATION name 'AAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTMMMM' # set local name for auth XXX_ #user X # set name for auth with peer; default is value for name #usehostname # use hostname for auth #remotename X # set remote name for auth #noauth # (dont) require peer (the other) to auth #require-pap # allow only pap authentication (dialin only) #require-chap # allow only chap authentication (dialin only) #login # use system password database for pap #papcrypt # pap passwords are encrypted # AUTHENTICATION TUNING #pap-restart X # Set retransmit timeout for PAP #pap-max-authreq X # Set max #xmits for auth-reqs #pap-timeout X # Set time limit for peer PAP auth. #chap-restart X # Set timeout for CHAP #chap-max-challenge X # Set max #xmits for challenge #chap-interval X # Set interval for rechallenge # COMPRESSION noaccomp # address compression on/off nopcomp # protocol field compression on/off novj # van jacobsen compression on/off novjccomp # van jacobsen connection-ID compression on/off #vj-max-slots X # tune maximum vj header slots #nobsdcomp # bsd compression on/off #nodeflate # deflate compression on/off #nopredictor1 # predictor1 compression in/off noccp # compression negotation on/off nolzs # LZS compression off (not yet supported fully) # IP NETWORKING #noip # (do not) disable ip transfer #X:Y # (do not) set local ip to X, remote ip to Y noipdefault # do not use name for default ip addr #useifip # (do) use ip addresses from interface #usefirstip # (do) use first ip from auth file for remote netmask # do set netmask, for pointopoint defaultroute # (do not) set default route nohostroute # do not set host route #proxyarp # (do not) set an proxy arp entry mru 1524 # (do not) set maximum size of receive units to X #default-mru # (do not) enable mru negotation mtu 1500 # do set max size of transmit units (1500 is OK) #useifmtu # (do not) use mtu from interface #ipparam X # (do not) set ip parameters in script X #ms-dns X # (do not) set dns addr for the peers use (dialin only) #ms-wins X # (do not) wins address for the peers use (dialin only) ms-get-dns # (do not) accept peers suggestion of dns addr (dialout) #set_userip # (do not) define valid ip addrs in /etc/ppp/useriptab #ipcp-restart X # Set timeout for IPCP #ipcp-max-terminate X # Set max #xmits for term-reqs #ipcp-max-configure X # Set max #xmits for conf-reqs #ipcp-max-failure X # Set max #conf-naks for IPCP ipcp-accept-local # Accept peer's address for us ipcp-accept-remote # Accept peer's address for it # IPX NETWORKING #noipx # en/disable ipx #ipx-network X # IPX network number #ipxcp-accept-network # Accept peer netowrk #ipx-node X # IPX node number #ipxcp-accept-local # Accept our address #ipxcp-accept-remote # Accept peer's address #ipx-routing X # IPX routing proto number #ipx-router-name X # IPX router name #ipxcp-restart X # Set timeout for IPXCP #ipxcp-max-terminate X # max #xmits for term-reqs #ipxcp-max-configure X # max #xmits for conf-reqs #ipxcp-max-failure X # max #conf-naks for IPXCP