On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 09:28:57AM +0100, Andreas Hoppe wrote:
> > Gehe mal in Optionen -> Schriftenersetzung. Da kannst du
> > die Schift "user interface" durch eine andere ersetzen.
> >
> Tu ich einfach, die Schrift "user interface" ist nicht vorhanden ...

Aus /usr/share/doc/openoffice.org/README.Debian:

Changing the user interface font
(This is repeated from README.gz.  If your current font does not work at all,
e.g. you see '????' or nothing at all, you may need to trim down your font path
as explained in the toubleshooting FAQ.)

In OpenOffice.org you can change the font used for screen display and printing
by replacing it with a different font installed on your system. This can be
done using the font replacement function. Choose Tools - Options -
OpenOffice.org - Font Replacement to access this function.

To change the font of the OpenOffice.org user interface, you have to replace
the default font "Andale Sans UI" with another font and mark the "always"
setting for this replacement.  "Andale Sans UI" is not selectable and has to be
typed in. The replacement font has to be a font which supports the requested
locale ( e.g for korean language the replacement font has to be a font
including korean characters).

Refer to the OpenOffice.org Help for a detailed explanation of the font
replacement dialog.


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