Am Son, 2002-12-22 um 15.40 schrieb Michael Hilscher:
> Hallo,
> ist es möglich lediglich nutzer xy von IP 123.45... den Zugriff auf den
> sshd (serverseitig) zu erlauben - jedoch allen anderen Nutzern unter
> beliebiger IP den Zugang zu erlauben?

Irgendwie ist hier unklar wer erlaubt sein soll, und wer nicht..

Aber vieleicht hilft Dir das hier weiter:

[Auszug aus man sshd_config]

     This keyword can be followed by a list of user name patterns,
     separated by spaces.  If specified, login is allowed only for
     users names that match one of the patterns.  `*' and `'?  can be
     used as wildcards in the patterns.  Only user names are valid; a
     numerical user ID is not recognized.  By default, login is
     allowed for all users.  If the pattern takes the form USER@HOST
     then USER and HOST are separately checked, restricting logins to
     particular users from particular hosts.


> greetinXs,       
> Michael Hilscher 
> -- 
> Would Mozart have been more productive if he had scribes to help him, a
> secretary and a CEO to lead his way? -- Linus Torvalds

Matthias Hentges 
Cologne / Germany

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