I have prepared some packages that update some packages that are not or
only in an older version in Debian 3.0r1. Please read [1] for more
information (and read the FAQ before sending mails to me).

I try my best to avoid problems with both installing these packages on
Debian 3.0 and upgrading with these packages installed to Debian 3.1.


     * Freeciv 1.13.0
     * gcc 3.2.1
     * GNU Ghostscript 7.05
     * Kernel 2.4.20
     * Lyx 1.2.2
     * Mozilla 1.2.1
     * SANE 1.0.9
     * SpamAssassin 2.43
     * Webmin 1.050
     * Wine 20021219
     * XFree86 4.2.1


     * Alpha 7 (6 Jan 2002)
          + added: gdb
          + added: libnet-smtp-server-perl
          + added: libogg              
            Binary packages:
               o libogg-dev
               o libogg0
          + added: libvorbis
            Binary packages:
               o libvorbis-dev
               o libvorbis0
               o libvorbisenc2
               o libvorbisfile3
          + added: lsb
          + added: lsb-release
          + added: lsbdev
          + added: lsbdev-guide
          + added: ltp
            Binary packages:
               o ltp
               o ltp-commands-test
               o ltp-dev
               o ltp-disc-test
               o ltp-kernel-test
               o ltp-misc-test
               o ltp-network-test
               o ltp-tools
          + added: popt
            Binary packages:
               o libpopt-dev
               o libpopt0
          + added: rpm
            Binary packages:
               o librpm-dev
               o librpm4
               o lsb-rpm
               o rpm
          + added: spamassassin
            Binary packages:
               o spamassassin  
               o spamc
          + added: vorbis-tools
          + updated: binutils ( ->
          + updated: debconf (1.2.20 -> 1.2.21)
          + updated: dvipdfm (0.13.2c-8 -> 0.13.2c-9)
          + updated: gcc-3.2 (3.2.1-1 -> 3.2.2ds3-0pre3)
          + updated: gnumeric (1.0.11-1 -> 1.0.12-1)
          + updated: gs (7.05-1 -> 7.05-3)
          + updated: initrd-tools (0.1.34 -> 0.1.35)
          + updated: libieee1284 (0.2.4-1 -> 0.2.5-1)
          + updated: modutils (2.4.19-3 -> 2.4.21-1)
          + updated: mozilla-locale-it (1.2 -> 1.2-1)
          + updated: sane-backends-extras ( ->
          + updated: sane-frontends (1.0.9-2 -> 1.0.9-4)
          + updated: texmacs ( -> 1.0.1-1)
          + updated: util-linux (2.11x-1 -> 2.11y-1)
          + updated: webmin (1.050-3 -> 1.050-4)
          + updated: xpdf (2.01-2 -> 2.01-3)



[1] http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/packages/

BTW: I'm not subscribed to debian-user.


       "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
        of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
       "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
                                       Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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