TorstenM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> wo krieg ich Samba 2.2.7a als deb Paket her oder wie kann ichs sonst
> auf ner Debian Kiste installieren ?

,----[ aus ]
| Samba 2.2.x woody packages
| Quota and ACL support is added. The base for this work are the official
| 2.2.3a packages. Be careful : official samba packages maintainers have
| deliberately chosen to skip ACL support due to "libacl1 instability" in
| woody, according to them. The packages work for me, that's all I can
| say..:-)
| Packages: libpam-smbpass libsmbclient libsmbclient-dev samba
| samba-common samba-doc smbclient smbfs swat winbind
| deb stable main
| deb-src stable main

Grüße,             | <> +++ <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       Thomas      |        Linux User Group Ingolstadt: <>
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