
ich kriege einfach nicht YAPS zum laufen :-(
# yaps 0173000000 "Hallo"
Unable to dial D1
Der wählt nicht einmal ein und Lämpchen am Modem blinken auch nicht. Den Link /dev/modem -> /dev/ttyS0 habe ich erzeugt, was will er noch mehr?
Die yaps.rc ist im Anhang, wäre nett wenn jemand mir (per PM) seine funktionietrende yaps.rc schicken könnte oder irgendein Hinweis geben könnte.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Yevgen Reznichenko.
#       -*- sh -*-
#       General yaps example configuration file
#       global section                  #
#       This is a comma seperated list of available services. This
#       is required for autodetect the matching service for a
#       pager-id
services        D1,D2,E+
+services       Telmi,Telmi-Fun,Telmi-Family,Telmi-Top,Telmi-Pro
+services       Skyper,Quix
#       This is the default caller-id. If the protocol/service allowes
#       it, this is inserted in the message (and the receiver gets this
#       as the sender's number)
call-id         +1-(555)-1234
#       If you forget to sign your message, you can automatically append
#       this string to each message.
signature       (It's me!)
#       You can either switch the use of the signature here on for all
#       services or in each service section for that particular service.
use-signature   True
#       To get more verbose output when running yaps increase this value.
#       Currently 4 is the highest supported value.
verbose         0
#       If you'd like to log every sending session define this. It should
#       point to a writeable file. If you install the software setgid, then
#       change the group of this file to the same yaps uses and make it
#       group writeable.
logfile         /var/log/yaps.log
#       A comma seperated list of modem sections. You can also define this
#       in each service section.
modems          standard
#       some global defaults for the serial interface (even if the most
#       protocols are assuming 7e1, these settings seem to work well)
speed           38400
bits-per-byte   8
parity          none
stopbits        1

#       To calculate the cost for each call, you can define some globales
#       here and do the fine tuning in each protocol
cost    cost=0.12,unit=DM,remainder=2,dial-overhead=13

#       These are two example of internal conversion tables. The can be
#       used using the `convert' entry (see below).
cv-default      {
        Ä       [
        Ö       \
        Ü       ]
        ä       {
        ö       |
        ü       }
        ß       ~
cv-extend       {
        \l      \s
        \n      \s
        \r      \s
        \f      \s
        \t      \s

#       These values are normally only found in each service section,
#       but are listen here with an explaination for completeness.
#       This is the phone number of the modem gateway for this service
#phone          0015559876

#       This is the protocol the service uses. Currently this can be
#       either ascii, script, ucp or tap. Each protocol has a set of
#       special configuration parameters, see below.
#protocol       tap

#       Most services limit the length of a message to a specific length.
#       Enter the value here to check valid messages
#max-size       160

#       If a message is longer than max-size, you can set this to split
#       it off into several single messages of allowed length
#may-split      True

#       If a message is longer than max-size, you can set this to truncate
#       the message to the allowed length. The remaining part is discarded.
#truncate       True

#       Some services allow to send more than one message per session. If
#       it is limited, set it using this parameter
#max-messages   1

#       If the service allows using your caller-id set this to True.
#use-call-id    True

#       If the service is reachable over a phonenumber where the pager-id
#       is part of the phone number, define this and add a `%P' anywehere
#       in the `phone' number.
#insert-pager-id        True

#       Remove these characters from the pager-id, as they are not valid
rm-invalids-pid + (-)

#       Dito for caller id
rm-invalids-cid + (-)

#       Check for valid call id (see below for more details) While 
#       valid-pid is required, this is optional
#valid-cid      ^(001|1)
#change-cid     001

#       Depending on your system the value for this parameter is either a
#       regular expression or a simple list of strings (seperated by bars)
#       which must match the prefix of the pager-id.
#valid-pid      ^(0171|0049171)
#valid-pid      0171|0049171
#       Use these paramters in the global section if you want do not want
#       to check pager-ids (and do not set change-pid):
#valid-pid      .
#valid-pid      -

#       If a pagerid has matched the expression above, then the matching part
#       may be replaced by this string
#change-pid     0171

#       As the services do not use (in general) the ISO 8859/1 character set,
#       one can define convertion tables. you can either specify a file which
#       contains the convertion rules:
#conv-table     /usr/local/lib/yaps/iso2din.tab

#       or use predefined convertion rules
#convert        *no-control,*no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extended

#       If this is set, send a message even if a requested feature is
#       not available
#force          True

#       If the provider supportes to set a delay for sending the message,
#       set this
#can-delay      True

#       If the provider can delete a buffered message after a period of time,
#       set this
#can-expire     True

#       If the provider can report a delivery status, set this.
#can-rds        True

#       To check wether a call-id/pager-id is valid use these paramters.
#       For the exact syntax see the documentation
#check-call-id  >1111111111111111<
#check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
#check-call-id  +minimum=0,maximum=16,type=numeric

#       These values are typically found in a modem section, but can also
#       appear in the global section to set some defaults

#       Set this to the modem device you wish to use
device          /dev/modem
#device         /dev/cua1
#device         /dev/cua/a

#       Set this to the prefix of the lockfile use for the device. There
#       are several places, and two common formats:
#lock-prefix    /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..
#lock-prefix    /var/spool/lock/LCK..
#lock-prefix    /var/spool/locks/LK.

#       The different format of the part which is appended to the lockfile
#       and the contents can be specified here. See documentation for a
#       full list inclusive explaination
#lock-method    sysv4
#lock-method    binary
#lock-method    timeout=10

#       These are send/expect sequences to talk to the modem. For an exact
#       definition see (again) the documentation. Following entries are
#       supported:
#       init:           to initialize the modem
#       local-init:     a second initialization string, used to customize
#                       already defined modems for different handling
#       dial:           to dial a phone number %L is replaced with the
#                       phone number itself
#       timeout:        the default timeout in seconds to wait for answers
#       reset:          to reset the modem

#       service section                 #
#       D1 (by Deutsche Telekom)
protocol        tap
valid-pid       0171|0049171|49171
change-pid      0171
convert         *no-8bit,cv-d1
cv-d1           {
        Ä       [
        Ö       \
        Ü       ~
        ä       {
        ö       |
        ü       ~
        ß       ^]
+cost           timetable=Wk0800-1800=5.7;Wk1800-0800=11.4;Ss=11.4
phone           01712092522
max-size        160
may-split       True
use-call-id     False
tap-old         True
#       D2 (by Mannesmann Mobilfunk)
modem           standard-d2
protocol        ucp
valid-pid       0172|0049172|49172|0173
change-pid      0172
convert         *no-8bit,cv-default
+cost           timetable=Wk0800-1800=5.7;Wk1800-0800=11.4;Ss=11.4
phone           01722278020
max-size        160
may-split       True
use-call-id     True
can-delay       True
can-expire      True
can-rds         True
check-call-id   >1111111111111111<
check-pager-id  >1111111111111111<
ucp-extend      True
#       E+ (by ???)
#       !! UNTESTED !!
protocol        tap
valid-pid       0177|0049177|49177
change-pid      0177
convert         *no-8bit,cv-default
+cost           timetable=Wk0800-1800=5.7;Wk1800-0800=11.4;Ss=11.4
phone           01771167
max-size        160
may-split       True
use-call-id     False
#       Telmi, Telmi-* (by Deutsche Funkruf)
protocol        tap
valid-pid       01661|01665|00491661|00491665|491661|491665
change-pid      -
convert         *no-control,*no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
+cost           entity-length=5.2
phone           016601010101
max-size        114
may-split       True
max-messages    1
use-call-id     False
check-pager-id  1111111
tap-old         True
[Telmi-Fun] Telmi
[Telmi-Family] Telmi
[Telmi-Top] Telmi
max-size        240
[Telmi-Pro] Telmi-Top
#       Skyper (by Deutsche Telekom)
#       !! UNTESTED !!
protocol        tap
valid-pid       01692|00491692|491692
change-pid      -
convert         *no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
+cost           fixed,cost=0.96
phone           01692%P
max-size        80
use-call-id     False
insert-pager-id True
#       Quix (by Miniruf)
#       !! UNTESTED !!
protocol        ucp
valid-pid       01653|00491653|491653
change-pid      -
+cost           fixed,timetable=Wk0800-1800=1.20;Al=0.96
convert         *no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
phone           016593
max-size        80
use-call-id     True

#       modem section                   #
#       Locking
#       Older Unix versions
lock-prefix     /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..
#       Newer Unix versions
#lock-prefix    /var/spool/uucp/LCK..
#lock-prefix    /var/lock/LCK..
#       SysV4
#lock-prefix    /var/spool/locks/LK.
#lock-method    sysv4
#       Device
#       Typical a symbolic link to the real device
device          /dev/modem
#       "normal" call-out device
#device         /dev/cua1
#       Solaris convention
#device         /dev/cua/a

#       Modem talk
init            \\r !200D ATZ\r <OK ATE0Q0V1\r <OK
reset           ATZ\r <OK
timeout         10
#       Customizing an existing modem entry
[standard-d2] standard
local-init      AT\%C2\r <OK
#       alias section
#foo            001 555 1221
#bar            +1-(555)-2112

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