hallo !
wie bereits im betreff angedeutet, scheint dante bei mir upload zu verschlucken. ich benutze woody und die damit verbreitete dante version. das phaenoment trifft z.b. auf wenn ich per icq dateien versenden will, die dann bei mir schon fertig sind, mein gegenueber hingegen kommt nicht ueber 99%, jedoch scheint es interessanterweise bei zip dateien nicht zu passieren. ein anderes beispiel waere, dass dateien, die ich per passive-ftp hochlade nur zum teil ankommen, eine datei von 8,68kb z.b. nimmt reproduzierbar eine groesse von 2226byte an und wird (selbst nach sehr langer wartezeit) nicht beendet.
ich habe folgende danted.conf:

# the server will log both via syslog, to stdout and to /var/log/lotsoflogs
#logoutput: syslog stdout /var/log/lotsoflogs
logoutput: stderr

# The server will bind to the address, port 1080 and will only
# accept connections going to that address.
internal: port = 29500
# Alternatively, the interface name can be used instead of the address.
#internal: eth0 port = 1080

# all outgoing connections from the server will use the IP address
external: ppp0

# list over acceptable methods, order of preference.
# A method not set here will never be selected.
# If the method field is not set in a rule, the global
# method is filled in for that rule.

# methods for socks-rules.
#method: username none #rfc931
method: none

# methods for client-rules.
#clientmethod: none
clientmethod: none

#or if you want to allow rfc931 (ident) too
#method: username rfc931 none

#or for PAM authentification
#method: pam

# An important section, pay attention.

# when doing something that can require privilege, it will use the
# userid:
#user.privileged: proxy5

# when running as usual, it will use the unprivileged userid of:
user.notprivileged: proxy5

# If you compiled with libwrap support, what userid should it use
# when executing your libwrap commands? "libwrap".
#user.libwrap: libwrap

# some options to help clients with compatibility:

# when a client connection comes in the socksserver will try to use
# the same port as the client is using, when the socksserver
# goes out on the clients behalf (external: IP address).
# If this option is set, Dante will try to do it for reserved ports aswell.
# This will usually require user.privileged to be set to "root".
compatibility: sameport

# If you are using the bind extension and have trouble running servers
# via the server, you might try setting this. The consequences of it
# are unknown.
#compatibility: reuseaddr

# The Dante server supports some extensions to the socks protocol.
# These require that the socks client implements the same extension and
# can be enabled using the "extension" keyword.
# enable the bind extension.
#extension: bind

# misc options.

# how many seconds can pass from when a client connects til it has
# sent us it's request? Adjust according to your network performance
# and methods supported.
connecttimeout: 60 # on a lan, this should be enough if method is "none".

# how many seconds can the client and it's peer idle without sending
# any data before we dump it? Unless you disable tcp keep-alive for
# some reason, it's probably best to set this to 0, which is
# "forever".
iotimeout: 0 # or perhaps 86400, for a day.

# do you want to accept connections from addresses without
# dns info? what about addresses having a mismatch in dnsinfo?
#srchost: nounknown nomismatch

# The actual rules. There are two kinds and they work at different levels.
# The rules prefixed with "client" are checked first and say who is allowed
# and who is not allowed to speak/connect to the server. I.e the
# ip range containing possibly valid clients.
# It is especially important that these only use IP addresses, not hostnames,
# for security reasons.
# The rules that do not have a "client" prefix are checked later, when the
# client has sent its request and are used to evaluate the actual
# request.
# The "to:" in the "client" context gives the address the connection
# is accepted on, i.e the address the socksserver is listening on, or
# just "" for any address the server is listening on.
# The "to:" in the non-"client" context gives the destination of the clients
# socksrequest.
# "from:" is the source address in both contexts.

# the "client" rules. All our clients come from the net

# Allow our clients, also provides an example of the port range command.
#client pass {
# from: port 1-65535 to:
# method: rfc931 # match all idented users that also are in passwordfile

# This is identical to above, but allows clients without a rfc931 (ident)
# too. In practise this means the socksserver will try to get a rfc931
# reply first (the above rule), if that fails, it tries this rule.
client pass {
from: port 1-65535 to:

# drop everyone else as soon as we can and log the connect, they are not
# on our net and have no business connecting to us. This is the default
# but if you give the rule yourself, you can specify details.
client block {
from: to:
log: connect error

# the rules controlling what clients are allowed what requests

# you probably don't want people connecting to loopback addresses,
# who knows what could happen then.
block {
from: to:
log: connect error

# the people at the are bad, no one should talk to them.
# log the connect request and also provide an example on how to
# interact with libwrap.
#block {
# from: to:
# libwrap: spawn finger @%a
# log: connect error

# unless you need it, you could block any bind requests.
#block {
# from: to:
# command: bind
# log: connect error

# or you might want to allow it, for instance "active" ftp uses it.
# Note that a "bindreply" command must also be allowed, it
# should usually by from "", i.e if a client of yours
# has permission to bind, it will also have permission to accept
# the reply from anywhere.
pass {
from: to:
command: bind

# some connections expect some sort of "reply", this might be
# the reply to a bind request or it may be the reply to a
# udppacket, since udp is packetbased.
# Note that nothing is done to verify that it's a "genuine" reply,
# that is in general not possible anyway. The below will allow
# all "replies" in to your clients at the net.
pass {
from: to:
command: bindreply udpreply
log: connect error

# pass any http connects to the example.com domain if they
# authenticate with username.
# This matches "example.com" itself and everything ending in ".example.com".
#pass {
# from: to: .example.com port = http
# log: connect error
# method: username

# block any other http connects to the example.com domain.
#block {
# from: to: .example.com port = http
# log: connect error

# everyone from our internal network, is allowed to use
# tcp and udp for everything else.
pass {
from: to:
protocol: tcp udp

# last line, block everyone else. This is the default but if you provide
# one yourself you can specify your own logging/actions
block {
from: to:
log: connect error

wenn jemand einen tipp haette waere ich sehr dankbar :-)


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