Martin Reising <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Seit XFree86 4.x wird nur noch .Xresources verwendet.

Ich weiß nicht, ob Debian da irgendwelche Sonderwege geht, aber in
dieser Pauschalität ist die Aussage schlicht falsch.

~> X -version
XFree86 Version 4.2.1 / X Window System

,----[ aus "man X" ]
|         Any user- and machine-specific  resources  may  be
|         specified  by setting the XENVIRONMENT environment
|         variable to the name of  a  resource  file  to  be
|         loaded  by  all applications.  If this variable is
|         not defined, a file  named  $HOME/.Xdefaults-host_
|         name  is looked for instead, where hostname is the
|         name of the host where the application is  execut
|         ing.


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