Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> # if there is a fetchmail-daeomon running, stop it
>>> if [ -e ~/ ]
>>> then
>>>   fetchmail -q
>>> fi

>> Wozu überhaupt?

> Weil ich mir nicht sicher war, ob archivemail die Mailboxen lockt.
> Offen gesagt: Ich weiss es immer noch nicht. Sollte ich bei
> Gelegenheit mal prüfen ;)

| When reading an mbox-format mailbox, archivemail will create a lockfile
| with  the  extension  .lock so that procmail will not deliver to the
| mailbox while it is being processed.  It will also create an advisory
| lock on the mailbox  using  flock(2).   archivemail  will also complain
| and abort if a 3rd-party modifies the mailbox while it is being read.


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