
kann jemand erkennen, warum die unten geloggten Anwahlen fehlgeschlagen

Ich erkenne keinen Grund für den Fehlschlag.

Viele Grüße


Oct 21 10:46:51 server kernel: isdn_net: ippp0 connected
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: Local number: 02319698472, Remote
number: 02314770702, Type: outgoing
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: PHASE_WAIT -> PHASE_ESTABLISHED,
ifunit: 0, linkunit: 0, fd: 8
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru
1524> <magic 0xd2c4d766> <pcomp> <accomp>] Oct 21 10:46:51 server
ipppd[372]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x0 <auth chap msoft> <magic
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x0 <auth
chap msoft>]
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <pcomp>
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru
1524> <magic 0xd2c4d766>]
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: rcvd [0][LCP TermReq id=0x1 00 00 02
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP TermAck id=0x1]
Oct 21 10:46:51 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:46:51   tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  Normal call
clearing (User)
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: Modem hangup
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: Connection terminated.
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0,
linkunit: 0
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP TermReq id=0x3 6c 69 6e
6b 20 63 6c 6f 73 65 64]
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: LCP is down
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: closing fd 8 from unit 0
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: reinit_unit: 0
Oct 21 10:46:51 server ipppd[372]: Connect[0]: /dev/isdn/ippp0, fd: 8
Oct 21 10:46:51 server kernel: ippp0: remote hangup
Oct 21 10:46:51 server kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Oct 21 10:46:51 server kernel: ippp_ccp: freeing reset data structure
Oct 21 10:46:51 server kernel: ippp, open, slot: 0, minor: 0, state:
Oct 21 10:46:51 server kernel: ippp_ccp: allocated reset data structure
Oct 21 10:46:51 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:46:51   tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: Cheapest
booked 0190029:Telebillig* 2.000 ¢ (would save 3.997 ¢)
Oct 21 10:46:51 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:46:51   tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: Overall
cheapest 0190082:lightTALK 0.147 ¢ (would save 5.851 ¢)
Oct 21 10:46:51 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:46:51   tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: LCR:FAILED
Oct 21 10:46:51 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:46:51   tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HANGUP (1 CI 5.997
¢; 1 EH EUR  0.062  0:00:01 I= 43.0 b O= 61.0 b)
Oct 21 10:47:53 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:47:53 Call to tei 89 from ? on
+49 231/9698470, Dortmund  HANGUP ( 0:03:14)
Oct 21 10:50:01 server /USR/SBIN/CRON[12649]: (root) CMD ((ping -c 1 &>/dev/null)
Oct 21 10:53:01 server /USR/SBIN/CRON[12668]: (mail) CMD (  if [ -x
/usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q ; fi)
Oct 21 10:53:16 server thttpd[921]: up 93600 seconds, stats for 3600
Oct 21 10:53:16 server thttpd[921]:   thttpd - 0 connections (0/sec), 0
max simultaneous, 0 bytes (0/sec), 2 httpd_conns allocated
Oct 21 10:53:16 server thttpd[921]:   libhttpd - 30 strings allocated,
7200 bytes (240 bytes/str)
Oct 21 10:53:16 server thttpd[921]:   map cache - 0 allocated, 0 active
(0 bytes), 0 free; hash size: 0; expire age: 1800
Oct 21 10:53:16 server thttpd[921]:   fdwatch - 51 selects
Oct 21 10:53:16 server thttpd[921]:   timers - 3 allocated, 3 active, 0
Oct 21 10:54:36 server kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 02314770702...
Oct 21 10:54:36 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:36 * tei 88 calling ? with
?  BEARER: Unrestricted digital information, CCITT standardized coding
Oct 21 10:54:36 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:36 * tei 88 calling ? with
?  64 kbit/s, Circuit mode
Oct 21 10:54:36 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:36 * tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  RING (Data)
Oct 21 10:54:37 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:37 * tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  CHANNEL: BRI, B1
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  Time:Tue Oct 21
10:54:00 2003
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  COLP +49
231/4770702, Dortmund
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  CONNECT (Data)
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  INTERFACE ippp0
calling 02314770702
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  CHARGE: 5.997
¢/90s = 3.998 ¢/Min (DTAG T-ISDN Standard, City, Werktag (Dienstag),
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: Better use
0190029:Telebillig*, 2.000 ¢/60s = 2.000 ¢/Min, saving 2.351 ¢/Min
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  1.CI 5.997 ¢ (now)
Oct 21 10:54:41 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:41 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  NEXT CI AFTER
01:30 (DTAG T-ISDN Standard, City, Werktag (Dienstag), Tag)
Oct 21 10:54:42 server kernel: isdn_net: ippp0 connected
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: Local number: 02319698472, Remote
number: 02314770702, Type: outgoing
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: PHASE_WAIT -> PHASE_ESTABLISHED,
ifunit: 0, linkunit: 0, fd: 8
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru
1524> <magic 0xe240c695> <pcomp> <accomp>] Oct 21 10:54:42 server
ipppd[372]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x0 <auth chap msoft> <magic
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x0 <auth
chap msoft>]
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <pcomp>
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru
1524> <magic 0xe240c695>]
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: rcvd [0][LCP TermReq id=0x1 00 00 02
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP TermAck id=0x1]
Oct 21 10:54:42 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:42 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  Normal call
clearing (User)
Oct 21 10:54:42 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:42 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: Cheapest
booked 0190029:Telebillig* 2.000 ¢ (would save 3.997 ¢)
Oct 21 10:54:42 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:42 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: Overall
cheapest 0190082:lightTALK 0.147 ¢ (would save 5.851 ¢)
Oct 21 10:54:42 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:42 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: LCR:FAILED
Oct 21 10:54:42 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:42 tei 88 calling +49
231/4770702, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HANGUP (1 CI 5.997
¢; 1 EH EUR  0.062  0:00:01 I= 43.0 b O= 61.0 b)
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: Modem hangup
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: Connection terminated.
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0,
linkunit: 0
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: sent [0][LCP TermReq id=0x3 6c 69 6e
6b 20 63 6c 6f 73 65 64]
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: LCP is down
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: closing fd 8 from unit 0
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: reinit_unit: 0
Oct 21 10:54:42 server ipppd[372]: Connect[0]: /dev/isdn/ippp0, fd: 8
Oct 21 10:54:42 server kernel: ippp0: remote hangup
Oct 21 10:54:42 server kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Oct 21 10:54:42 server kernel: ippp_ccp: freeing reset data structure
Oct 21 10:54:42 server kernel: ippp, open, slot: 0, minor: 0, state:
Oct 21 10:54:42 server kernel: ippp_ccp: allocated reset data structure
Oct 21 10:54:54 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:54 * tei 88 calling ? with
?  BEARER: Unrestricted digital information, CCITT standardized coding
Oct 21 10:54:54 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:54 * tei 88 calling ? with
?  64 kbit/s, Circuit mode
Oct 21 10:54:54 server kernel: ippp1: dialing 1 02315899147...
Oct 21 10:54:54 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:54 * tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  RING (Data)
Oct 21 10:54:54 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:54 * tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  CHANNEL: BRI, B1
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  CCNR moeglich
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  Time:Tue Oct 21
10:54:00 2003
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  COLP *INVALID* --
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  CONNECT (Data)
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  INTERFACE ippp1
calling 02315899147
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  CHARGE: 5.997
¢/90s = 3.998 ¢/Min (DTAG T-ISDN Standard, City, Werktag (Dienstag),
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  HINT: Better use
0190029:Telebillig*, 2.000 ¢/60s = 2.000 ¢/Min, saving 2.351 ¢/Min
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  1.CI 5.997 ¢ (now)
Oct 21 10:54:56 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:56 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472, Dortmund  NEXT CI AFTER
01:30 (DTAG T-ISDN Standard, City, Werktag (Dienstag), Tag)
Oct 21 10:54:57 server kernel: isdn_net: ippp1 connected
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: Local number: 02319698472, Remote
number: 02315899147, Type: outgoing
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: PHASE_WAIT -> PHASE_ESTABLISHED,
ifunit: 1, linkunit: 0, fd: 8
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru
1524> <magic 0xd42c77a4> <pcomp> <accomp>] Oct 21 10:54:57 server
ipppd[373]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x0 <auth chap msoft> <magic
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: sent [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x0 <auth
chap msoft>]
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <pcomp>
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru
1524> <magic 0xd42c77a4>]
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: rcvd [0][LCP TermReq id=0x1 00 00 02
Oct 21 10:54:57 server ipppd[373]: sent [0][LCP TermAck id=0x1]
Oct 21 10:54:58 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:58 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472,
Dortmund  Normal call clearing (User)
Oct 21 10:54:58 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:58 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472,
Dortmund  HINT: Cheapest booked 0190029:Telebillig* 2.000 ¢ (would save
3.997 ¢)
Oct 21 10:54:58 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:58 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472,
Dortmund  HINT: Overall cheapest 0190082:lightTALK 0.220 ¢ (would save
5.777 ¢)
Oct 21 10:54:58 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:58 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472,
Oct 21 10:54:58 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:54:58 tei 88 calling +49
231/5899147, Dortmund with +49 231/9698472,
Dortmund  HANGUP (1 CI 5.997 ¢; 1 EH EUR  0.062  0:00:02 I= 43.0 b O=
61.0 b)
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: Modem hangup
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: Connection terminated.
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0,
linkunit: 0
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: sent [0][LCP TermReq id=0x3 6c 69 6e
6b 20 63 6c 6f 73 65 64]
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: LCP is down
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: closing fd 8 from unit 0
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0
Oct 21 10:54:58 server kernel: ippp1: remote hangup
Oct 21 10:54:58 server kernel: ippp1: Chargesum is 0
Oct 21 10:54:58 server kernel: ippp_ccp: freeing reset data structure
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: reinit_unit: 0
Oct 21 10:54:58 server ipppd[373]: Connect[0]: /dev/isdn/ippp1, fd: 8
Oct 21 10:54:58 server kernel: ippp, open, slot: 1, minor: 1, state:
Oct 21 10:54:58 server kernel: ippp_ccp: allocated reset data structure
Oct 21 10:55:01 server /USR/SBIN/CRON[12692]: (root) CMD ((ping -c 1 &>/dev/null)
Oct 21 10:56:23 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:56:23 * Call to tei 127 from ?
on ?  BEARER: Speech, CCITT standardized coding
Oct 21 10:56:23 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:56:23 * Call to tei 127 from ?
on ?  64 kbit/s, Circuit mode
Oct 21 10:56:23 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:56:23 * Call to tei 127 from ?
on ?  G.711 A-law
Oct 21 10:56:23 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:56:23 * Call to tei 127 from ?
on ?  CHANNEL: BRI, B1 needed
Oct 21 10:56:23 server kernel: isdn_net: call from 1797028829,1,0 ->
Oct 21 10:56:23 server kernel: isdn_net: call from 1797028829 -> 0
9698471 ignored
Oct 21 10:56:23 server kernel: isdn_tty: call from 1797028829 -> 9698471
Oct 21 10:56:23 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:56:23 * Call to tei 127 from
+49 179/7028829, Deutschland Mobilfunk E2/Deutschland Mo on +49
231/9698471, Dortmund  RING (Speech)
Oct 21 10:56:28 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:56:28 Call to tei 89 from +49
179/7028829, Deutschland Mobilfunk E2/Deutschland Mo on +49 231/9698471,
Dortmund  CONNECT (Speech)
Oct 21 10:56:34 server isdnlog: Oct 21 10:56:34 Call to tei 89 from +49
179/7028829, Deutschland Mobilfunk E2/Deutschland Mo on +49 231/9698471,
Dortmund  HANGUP ( 0:00:06)
Oct 21 11:00:01 server /USR/SBIN/CRON[12741]: (root) CMD ((ping -c 1 &>/dev/null)

Michael Hierweck

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