
Linux wird über eine Datei im Bootmanager von W2k mit gestartet.
Beim schreiben des Bootsectors auf /dev/hda3 erhalte ich folgende Meldung:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# lilo
Warning: /dev/hda3 is not on the first disk
Warning: The boot sector and map file are on different disks.
Added 2.4.23 *
Added 2.6.0
Added Windows(hda1)

Beim nächsten Start schreibt mit Lilo den Fehler L 99 99 99 ... das laut man 
Page "99  invalid second stage index sector (LILO)" ist.
Wenn ich dagegen von einer KnoppixCD starte und den Bootsector schreibe gibt 
es keine Probleme.
Lilo erkennt dir Platten in der richtigen Reihenfolge, aber die Root Partition 
ordnet er der falschen Platte zu, statt der 0303 versucht er immer auf der 
1602 zu schreiben was man auch an der Backup Datei /boot/boot.1602 erkennt.
Ich frage mich auch was "bios_boot = 0x82" bedeuten soll, da der Rechner von 
der 0x80 Platte bootet und auch so im Bios eingestellt ist.

------- lilo.conf -------------------
map= /boot/map
vga=0   #80x25




[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

  22     0      24990840        hdc
  22     1      1                       hdc1
  22     2      5526360         hdc2
  22     5       4096543                hdc5
  22     6      15358108        hdc6
   3     0      117220824       hda
   3     1      102406311       hda1
   3     2      1036192         hda2
   3     3      13767705        hda3
   3    64      78150744        hdb
   3    65      1                       hdb1
   3    69      78140128        hdb5

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# lilo -v3
LILO version 22.5.8, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Development beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2003 John Coffman
Released 10-Oct-2003, and compiled at 11:35:05 on Dec 21 2003
Debian GNU/Linux

raid_setup returns offset = 00000000  ndisk = 0
 BIOS   VolumeID   Device
Reading boot sector from /dev/hda3
pf_hard_disk_scan: ndevs=3
  0300  585B36BB  /dev/hda
  0340  F2B948C8  /dev/hdb
  1600  432E6262  /dev/hdc
Resolve invalid VolumeIDs
Resolve duplicate VolumeIDs
  0300  585B36BB  /dev/hda
  0340  F2B948C8  /dev/hdb
  1600  432E6262  /dev/hdc
device codes (user assigned pf) = 0
device codes (user assigned) = 0
device codes (BIOS assigned) = 0
Filling in '/dev/hda' = 0x80
Filling in '/dev/hdb' = 0x81
Filling in '/dev/hdc' = 0x82
device codes (canonical) = 7
Device 0x1602: BIOS drive 0x82, 255 heads, 3111 cylinders,
               63 sectors. Partition offset: 38925495 sectors.
Using Volume ID 432E6262 on bios 82
Warning: /dev/hda3 is not on the first disk
Device 0x1600: BIOS drive 0x82, 255 heads, 3111 cylinders,
               63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Using Volume ID 432E6262 on bios 82
Device 0x0303: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 3111 cylinders,
               63 sectors. Partition offset: 38925495 sectors.
Using Volume ID 585B36BB on bios 80
Warning: Unable to determine video adapter in use in the present system.
Using MENU secondary loader
Calling map_insert_data
Secondary loader: 17 sectors (0x3200 dataend).
Warning: The boot sector and map file are on different disks.
bios_boot = 0x82  bios_map = 0x80  map==boot = 0  map S/N: 585B36BB
BIOS data check will include auto-suppress check

Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.23
Device 0x0303: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 3111 cylinders,
               63 sectors. Partition offset: 38925495 sectors.
Using Volume ID 585B36BB on bios 80
Setup length is 10 sectors.
Mapped 1912 sectors.
Added 2.4.23 *
    "ro root=1602"

Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.0
Device 0x0303: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 3111 cylinders,
               63 sectors. Partition offset: 38925495 sectors.
Using Volume ID 585B36BB on bios 80
Setup length is 10 sectors.
Mapped 2462 sectors.
Added 2.6.0
    "ro root=1602"

Name: /dev/hda1  yields MBR: /dev/hda  (with primary partition check)
Boot other: /dev/hda1, on /dev/hda, loader CHAIN
Device 0x0301: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 14593 cylinders,
               63 sectors. Partition offset: 63 sectors.
Using Volume ID 585B36BB on bios 80
Device 0x0300: BIOS drive 0x80, 255 heads, 14593 cylinders,
               63 sectors. Partition offset: 0 sectors.
Using Volume ID 585B36BB on bios 80
Mapped 6 (4+1+1) sectors.
Added Windows(hda1)

 BIOS   VolumeID   Device
  80    585B36BB    0300
  81    F2B948C8    0340
  82    432E6262    1600
Writing boot sector.
Backup copy of boot sector in /boot/boot.1602
Map file size: 39424 bytes.
RAID device mask 0x0000
Failsafe check:  boot_dev_nr = 0x1602 0xffc0

Gruss Gi

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