>>>>> "Sascha" == Sascha Huedepohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sascha> Hallo, ich hab gesehen, das in /boot Bildchen liegen, die wohl als
Sascha> grafische bootmenüs dienen sollen.  In
Sascha> /usr/share/doc/lilo/examples/conf.sample steht:

Sascha> [...]

Sascha> Warning: 'bmp-table' not supported by boot loader Warning:
Sascha> [...]

Sascha> Also wie funktionier das denn? Ich konnte nirgends eine Dokumentation
Sascha> zu 'bitmap', 'bmp-colors' usw. finden.

Hallo Sascha,

scheinbar nicht im Nächstliegenden gesucht:

aus man lilo.conf (auf einem Sarge-System):

              Selects the user interface which will be seen at boot time.  One
              of the following three options may be specified:  text, menu, or
              bmp. The traditional LILO interface is `text'; but `menu' is now
              the default, unless the configurtion file contains the `bitmap='
              specification.   The  text  interface is strictly a command-line
              interface as though the console were a dumb terminal.  The  menu
              interface  is  a text-based screen of the boot choices, with the
              option to enter additional command line parameters.  And the bmp
              interface  is  a menu presented against a graphic screen, speci-
              fied as a 640x480 BitMaP file of 16 or  256  colors.   (See  the
              'lilo -E' switch for editing options).

              (Prior  to  LILO  version  22.3,  `install='  specified the user
              interface as a file in the `/boot' directory.)

Hth -- Peter

Peter Weiss               / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems GmbH     / Sonnenallee 1, D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
(+49 89) 46008 2947       / mobil 0177/ 60 40 121

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