Ich bin auf der List und benötige keine CC's

Am 2004-10-04 19:11:01, schrieb Robert Vincenz:
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
> >Die tauchen genauso wie USB-Sticks/Keys als "sd(a-z)XX" auf
> >
> >Einfach insmod "usb-storage"
> > 
> >
> Da bekomme ich ein Befehl nicht gefunden.

Installation kaputt ?

  ____ ( -c 'man insmod' ) _____________________________________________
|  INSMOD(8)              Linux Module Support             INSMOD(8)
|         insmod - install loadable kernel module
|         iinnssmmoodd        [-fhkLmnpqrsSvVxXyY]       [-e 
|         [-o _m_o_d_u_l_e___n_a_m_e]   [-O _b_l_o_b___n_a_m_e]    
[-P _p_r_e_f_i_x]    _m_o_d_u_l_e
|         [ ssyymmbbooll=_v_a_l_u_e ... ]
|         iinnssmmoodd installs a loadable module in the running kernel.
|         iinnssmmoodd  tries  to link a module into the running kernel by
|         resolving all symbols from the  kernel's  exported  symbol
|         table.
|         If  the  module  file name is given without directories or
|         extension, iinnssmmoodd will  search  for  the  module  in  some
|         common  default  directories.   The  environment  variable
|         MMOODDPPAATTHH can be used to override this default.  If a module
|         configuration  file  such  as 
_/_e_t_c_/_m_o_d_u_l_e_s_._c_o_n_f exists, it
|         will override the paths defined in MMOODDPPAATTHH.
|         The environment variable MMOODDUULLEECCOONNFF can also  be  used  
|         select  a  different  configuration  file from the default
|         _/_e_t_c_/_m_o_d_u_l_e_s_._c_o_n_f  (or  
_/_e_t_c_/_c_o_n_f_._m_o_d_u_l_e_s   (deprecated)).
|         This   environment   variable   will   override   all  the
|         definitions above.
|         --ee _p_e_r_s_i_s_t___n_a_m_e, 
|                Specifies where any persistent data for the  module
|                is  read  from  on  load  and  written to when this
|                instantiantion of the  module  is  unloaded.   This
|                option  is  silently  ignored  if the module has no
|                persistent data.  Persistent data is only  read  by
|                iinnssmmoodd if this option is present, by default 
|                does not process persistent data.
|                As a shorthand form,  --ee """" (an  empty  string)  is
|                interpreted by iinnssmmoodd as the value of 
ppeerrssiissttddiirr as
|                defined in _m_o_d_u_l_e_s_._c_o_n_f, followed by  the  
|                of the module relative to the module search path it
|                was found in, minus any  trailing  ".gz",  ".o"  or
|                ".mod".   If  mmoodduulleess..ccoonnff specifies 
"ppeerrssiissttddiirr =="
|                (i.e. ppeerrssiissttddiirr  is  an  empty  field)  then  
|                shorthand   form   is   silently   ignored.    (See
|                mmoodduulleess..ccoonnff (5).)
|         --ff, ----ffoorrccee
|                Attempt load the module even if the version of  the
|                running  kernel  and  the version of the kernel for
|                which the module was compiled do not  match.   This
|                only  overrides the kernel version check, it has no
|                effect on symbol name checks.  If the symbol  names
|                in the module do not match the kernel then there is
|                no way to force iinnssmmoodd to load the module.
|         --hh, ----hheellpp
|                Display a summary of options and immediately  exit.
|         --kk, ----aauuttoocclleeaann
|                Set  the  auto-clean flag on the module.  This flag
|                will be used by kkeerrnneelldd(8) to remove  modules  that
|                have  not  been  used  in  some  period  of time --
|                usually one minute.
|         --LL, ----lloocckk
|                Use fflloocckk(2) to prevent simultaneous loads  of  the
|                same module.
|         --mm, ----mmaapp
|                Output  a  load  map on stdout, making it easier to
|                debug the module in the event of a kernel panic.
|         --nn, ----nnoollooaadd
|                Dummy run, do everything  except  load  the  module
|                into  the kernel.  If requested by an --mm or --OO, the
|                run will produce a map or  blob  file.   Since  the
|                module  is not loaded, the real kernel load address
|                is unknown so the map and blob file are based on an
|                arbitrary load address of 0x12340000.
|         --oo _m_o_d_u_l_e___n_a_m_e, 
|                Explicitly  name  the  module, rather than deriving
|                the name from the base name of  the  source  object
|                file.
|         --OO _b_l_o_b___n_a_m_e, 
|                Save the binary object in _b_l_o_b___n_a_m_e.  The result is
|                a binary blob (no ELF headers) showing exactly what
|                is   loaded   into   the   kernel   after   section
|                manipulation  and   relocation.    Option   --mm   is
|                recommended to get a map of the object.
|         --pp, ----pprroobbee
|                Probe the module to see if it could be successfully
|                loaded.  This includes locating the object file  in
|                the  module  path,  checking  version  numbers, and
|                resolving  symbols.   It   does   not   check   the
|                relocations nor does it produce a map or blob file.
|         --PP _p_r_e_f_i_x, ----pprreeffiixx=_p_r_e_f_i_x
|                This option can be used with versioned modules  for
|                an SMP or bigmem kernel, since such modules have an
|                extra prefix added in their symbol names.   If  the
|                kernel  was  built with symbol versions then iinnssmmoodd
|                will automatically  extract  the  prefix  from  the
|                definition      of      "get_module_symbol"      or
|                "inter_module_get", one of which must exist in  any
|                kernel that supports modules.  If the kernel has no
|                symbol versions  but  the  module  was  built  with
|                symbol versions then the user must supply --PP.
|         --qq, ----qquuiieett
|                Do  not print a list of any unresolved symbols.  Do
|                not complain about version mismatch.   The  problem
|                will  only  be  reflected  in  the  exit  status of
|                iinnssmmoodd.
|         --rr, ----rroooott
|                Some users compile modules under a non-root  userid
|                then install the modules as root.  This process can
|                leave the modules owned  by  the  non-root  userid,
|                even though the modules directory is owned by root.
|                If the non-root userid is compromised, an  intruder
|                can overwrite existing modules owned by that userid
|                and use this  exposure  to  bootstrap  up  to  root
|                access.
|                By  default, modutils will reject attempts to use a
|                module that is not owned by  root.   Specifying  -r
|                will  toggle  the  check  and  allow  root  to load
|                modules that are not  owned  by  root.   NNoottee::  the
|                default  value  for  root check can be changed when
|                modutils is configured.
|                UUssee ooff --rr ttoo ddiissaabbllee rroooott 
cchheecckkiinngg oorr  sseettttiinngg  tthhee
|                ddeeffaauulltt ttoo ""nnoo rroooott 
cchheecckk"" aatt ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ttiimmee iiss
|                aa mmaajjoorr sseeccuurriittyy eexxppoossuurree 
aanndd iiss nnoott rreeccoommmmeennddeedd..
|         --ss, ----ssyysslloogg
|                Output  everything  to  ssyysslloogg(3)  instead  of  the
|                terminal.
|         --SS, ----kkaallllssyymmss
|                Force the loaded module to have kkaallllssyymmss data, even
|                if the kernel does not support it.  This option  is
|                for  small  systems  where  the  kernel  is  loaded
|                without kkaallllssyymmss data  but  selected  modules  need
|                kkaallllssyymmss for debugging.
|         --vv, ----vveerrbboossee
|                Be verbose.
|         --VV, ----vveerrssiioonn
|                Display the version of iinnssmmoodd.
|         --XX, ----eexxppoorrtt; --xx, ----nnooeexxppoorrtt
|                Do  and  do not export all of the module's external
|                symbols, respectively.   The  default  is  for  the
|                symbols  to  be  exported.   This  option  is  only
|                effective if the module does not explicitly  export
|                its  own  controlled  symbol  table,  and  thus  is
|                deprecated.
|         --YY, ----kkssyymmooooppss; --yy, 
|                Do and do not add kkssyymmooooppss symbols to ksyms.  These
|                symbols  are  used  by  kkssyymmooooppss  to provide better
|                debugging if there is an Oops in this module.   The
|                default  is for the kkssyymmooooppss symbols to be defined.
|                This option is independent of the --XX/--xx options.
|                kkssyymmooooppss symbols add approximately  260  bytes  per
|                loaded  module.   Unless  you  are  really short on
|                kernel space and are trying to reduce ksyms to  its
|                minimum   size,  take  the  default  and  get  more
|                accurate  Oops  debugging.   kkssyymmooooppss  symbols  are
|                required to save persistent module data.
|         Some  modules  accept  load-time  parameters  to customize
|         their operation.  These parameters are often I/O port  and
|         IRQ  numbers  that vary from machine to machine and cannot
|         be determined from the hardware.
|         In modules built for 2.0 series kernels,  any  integer  or
|         character pointer symbol may be treated as a parameter and
|         modified.  Beginning in the 2.1  series  kernels,  symbols
|         are  explicitly marked as parameters so that only specific
|         values may be changed.  Furthermore  type  information  is
|         provided for checking the values provided at load time.
|         In  the  case  of  integers, all values may be in decimal,
|         octal or hexadecimal a la  C:  17,  021  or  0x11.   Array
|         elements  are  specified  sequence  separated  by  commas.
|         Elements can be skipped by omitting the value.
|         In 2.0 series modules, values that do  not  begin  with  a
|         number  are  considered  strings.   Beginning  in 2.1, the
|         parameter's  type   information   indicates   whether   to
|         interpret the value as a string.  If the value begins with
|         double-quotes (""), the string  is  interpreted  as  in  C,
|         escape  sequences  and  all.   Do note that from the shell
|         prompt, the quotes themselves may  need  to  be  protected
|         from shell interpretation.
|         Starting with kernel 2.4.10, modules should have a license
|         string, defined using MMOODDUULLEE__LLIICCEENNSSEE(()).   
Several  strings
|         are  recognised as being GPL compatible; any other license
|         string or no license at  all  means  that  the  module  is
|         treated  as proprietary.  See 
_i_n_c_l_u_d_e_/_l_i_n_u_x_/_m_o_d_u_l_e_._h for a
|         list of GPL compatible license strings.
|         If the kernel supports the  
_/_p_r_o_c_/_s_y_s_/_k_e_r_n_e_l_/_t_a_i_n_t_e_d  flag
|         then iinnssmmoodd will OR the tainted flag with '1' when loading
|         a module without a GPL license.  A warning  is  issued  if
|         the  kernel  supports  tainting  and  a  module  is loaded
|         without a license.  A warning is always issued for modules
|         which  have a MMOODDUULLEE__LLIICCEENNSSEE(()) that is not 
GPL compatible,
|         even on older kernels that do not support tainting.   This
|         minimizes  warnings  when  a new modutils is used on older
|         kernels.
|         iinnssmmoodd --ff (force) mode will OR the tainted flag  with  '2'
|         on  kernels  that  support  tainting.   It always issues a
|         warning.
|         Some kernel developers require that  symbols  exported  by
|         their  code  must  only  be  used  by  modules  with a GPL
|         compatible  license.   These  symbols  are   exported   by
|         EEXXPPOORRTT__SSYYMMBBOOLL__GGPPLL  instead  of  the  
|         GPL-only symbols exported  by  the  kernel  and  by  other
|         modules  are only visible to modules with a GPL-compatible
|         license, these symbols appear in _/_p_r_o_c_/_k_s_y_m_s with a 
|         of  'GGPPLLOONNLLYY__'.   iinnssmmoodd  ignores  the  
|         symbols while loading a GPL licensed module so the  module
|         just refers to the normal symbol name, without the prefix.
|         GPL only symbols are not made available to modules without
|         a  GPL  compatible license, this includes  modules with no
|         license at all.
|         To  assist  with  debugging  of  kernel  Oops  when  using
|         modules,  iinnssmmoodd defaults to adding some symbols to ksyms,
|         see   the   --YY   option.    These   symbols   start   with
|         ____iinnssmmoodd__mmoodduulleennaammee__.   The 
_m_o_d_u_l_e_n_a_m_e is required to make
|         the symbols unique.  It is legal to load the  same  object
|         more  than  once  under different module names.  Currently
|         defined symbols are:
|                _o_b_j_e_c_t_f_i_l_e is the name of the file that the  
|                was  loaded  from.   This ensures that ksymoops can
|                match the code to the correct object.  _m_t_i_m_e is the
|                last  modified  timestamp on that file in hex, zero
|                if stat failed.  _v_e_r_s_i_o_n is the kernel version that
|                the  module  was  compiled for, -1 if no version is
|                available.   The  __OO  symbol  has  the  same  start
|                address as the module header.
|                This  symbol  appears  at the start of selected ELF
|                sections, currently .text, .rodata, .data and .bss.
|                It only appears if the section has a non-zero size.
|                _s_e_c_t_i_o_n_n_a_m_e is the name of the ELF section,  
|                is  the  length  of  the section in decimal.  These
|                symbols help ksymoops  map  addresses  to  sections
|                when no symbols are available.
|                Only  created  by  iinnssmmoodd  if the module has one or
|                more parameters that are marked as persistent  data
|                and  a  filename  to  save persistent data (see --ee,
|                above) is available.
|         The other problem with debugging kernel Oops in modules is
|         that  the  contents  of  _/_p_r_o_c_/_k_s_y_m_s and 
_/_p_r_o_c_/_m_o_d_u_l_e_s can
|         change between the Oops and when you process the log file.
|         To   help   overcome   this   problem,  if  the  directory
|         _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_k_s_y_m_o_o_p_s  exists  then  
iinnssmmoodd  and  rrmmmmoodd   will
|         automatically   copy   _/_p_r_o_c_/_k_s_y_m_s  and  
_/_p_r_o_c_/_m_o_d_u_l_e_s  to
|         _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_k_s_y_m_o_o_p_s with a prefix  of  `date 
|         The  system administrator can tell kkssyymmooooppss which snapshot
|         files to use when debugging an Oops.  There is  no  switch
|         to  disable this automatic copy.  If you do not want it to
|         occur, do not create _/_v_a_r_/_l_o_g_/_k_s_y_m_o_o_p_s.  
If that directory
|         exists,  it should be owned by root and be mode 644 or 600
|         and you should run this  script  every  day  or  so.   The
|         script below is installed as 
|           #!/bin/sh
|           # Delete saved ksyms and modules not accessed in 2 days
|           if [ -d /var/log/ksymoops ]
|           then
|                set -e
|                # Make sure there is always at least one version
|                d=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
|                cp -a /proc/ksyms /var/log/ksymoops/${d}.ksyms
|                cp -a /proc/modules /var/log/ksymoops/${d}.modules
|                find /var/log/ksymoops -type f -atime +2 -exec rm {} \;
|           fi
|         rrmmmmoodd(8),   mmooddpprroobbee(8),  ddeeppmmoodd(8),  
llssmmoodd(8),  kkssyymmss(8),
|         mmoodduulleess(2), ggeennkkssyymmss(8), 
kkeerrnneelldd(8), kkssyymmooooppss(kernel).
|         iinnssmmoodd [--VV | ----vveerrssiioonn] should display 
version information
|         and then exit immediately.  Instead, it prints the version
|         information and behaves as if no options were given.
|         Module support was first conceived by Anonymous
|         Initial Linux version by Bas Laarhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|         Version 0.99.14 by Jon Tombs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|         Extended by Bjorn Ekwall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|         Original ELF help from Eric Youngdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|         Rewritten for 2.1.17 by Richard Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|         Extended   by    Bjorn    Ekwall    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    for
|         modutils-2.2.*, March 1999
|         Assistance  for ksymoops by Keith Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
|         May 1999
|         Maintainer: Keith Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
|  Linux                    January 30, 2002               INSMOD(8)

> Robert Vincenz


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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