> Pomoglo apt-get install <pakiet> jadnak nie dla wszystkich zostal sie
> tylko php4 a dokladniej:
> tomus:~# apt-get install php4
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
> requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
> distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
> or been moved out of Incoming.
> Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
> the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
> that package should be filed.
> The following information may help to resolve the situation:
> Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   php4: Depends: libmm11 but it is not installable
> E: Sorry, broken packages
> Jak probuje instalnac libmm11 to wywala:
> tomus:~# apt-get install libmm11
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Package libmm11 has no available version, but exists in the database.
> This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
> never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
> of sources.list
> E: Package libmm11 has no installation candidate
> Wywalilem calkowicie php4 ale to nie pomoglo teraz nie mam php4 i ten
> sam problem.
Przykro mi ale takiej sytuacji nie przezylem, u mnie wszystko zadzialalo.
Nie potrafie Ci bardziej pomóc
ale moze sprobuj zainstalowac php4 moze zainstaluje reszte

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