On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 07:18:50PM +0100, Mateusz Papiernik wrote:
> > (dotyczy tylko zainstalowanych)
> właśnie :)
> kiedyś zrobiłem taki prosty skrypt, apt-search, coś jak apt-cache,
> tyle że korzystał z packages.debian.org, ale zgubiłem :(

[EMAIL PROTECTED] apt-cache show apt-file
Description: APT package searching utility -- command-line interface
 apt-file is a command line tool for searching packages for the APT
 packaging system.
 Unlike apt-cache, you can search in which package a file is inclued
 or list the contents of a package without installing or fetching it.

swoje robicie, cudzego nie znacie ;)
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|   Grzegorz Kusnierz  |  GG: 1756511             |    ( xx\
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|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  http://www.bezkitu.com  |   /#/  U
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