On the 10th of February 2004 at 14:24, Ireneusz Rogala <jorgi#wp-sa.pl> wrote:

> Macie moze przecwiczony temat ustawienia bind'a w taki sposob aby na
> pytania z sieci wenetrznej odpowiadal adresami wewnetrznymi a na pytania
> spoza sieci (z Internetu) adresami zewnetrznymi ? :)

binda akurat nie (fuj ;)), ale coś takiego trywialnie robi się w tinydns.
fragment z dokumentacji:

You may include a client location on each line. The line is ignored for
clients outside that location. Client locations are specified by % lines:


means that IP addresses starting with ipprefix are in location lo. lo is a
sequence of one or two ASCII letters. A client is in only one location; longer
prefixes override shorter prefixes. For example,


specifies that jupiter.heaven.af.mil has address for clients in
the 192.168.* network and address for everyone else.

więcej na http://cr.yp.to/djbdns.html :)

 use gnus, not guns!

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