Leandro Dutra wrote:
>         Não encontrei detalhes históricos...

Está nessa página:

Lá embaixo....
    The Open Group : incredibly enough, nobody seems to be in charge of
handling questions from the general public in this
    organization. At least, I was unable to find a single Email address
or HTML form for sending questions/comments on
    any of their standards... 
Verifique uma parte maior do texto...

The following links will take you to various pages or documents on
international support on Linux systems:

    The Internationalization Home Page, the basic starting point for
Internationalization (I18n) information on the
    The Open Group : incredibly enough, nobody seems to be in charge of
handling questions from the general public in this
    organization. At least, I was unable to find a single Email address
or HTML form for sending questions/comments on
    any of their standards... 
    XFree86: I had a very long exchange of mails with David Dawes, but
never really managed to convince him that XFree86
    should support dead keys in a more flexible way. However, David was
very polite and patient in answering my mails,
    something that cannot be said about all the XFree86 group members... 
    Thomas Quinot's Dead keys under X11 page: this is the reference site
for The Solution to the dead keys problem under
    The various HOWTOs at the Linux Documentation Project and mirror

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