Em Qua 02 Mai 2007, Jose Tavares escreveu:
> (Ganha um doce quem me conseguir me ajudar .. )  ;)
> Estou tendo um problema ao tentar usar o k3b, ou melhor, esse problema
> jah me acompanha a meses .. ;)
> Consigo gravar cd usando diretamente o cdrecord, mas nao consigo gravar
> atraves do k3b que envia comandos atraves do cdrecord (duh..) :))
> Meu hardware eh um Libretto U105 com uma dock que eh um gravador de cd..
> A conexao entre a dock e o note, apesar de parecer algo que soh existe
> neste modelo, conecta o drive como usb.. Hotswap.. Inclusive quando
> manipulo ela pelo Windows (sim, uma vez lah que nunca booto ele no
> Windows pre-instalado), aparece como USB ..
> Versoes:
> Debian Unstable totalmente nao-atualizado :(
> k3b 0.12.15
> Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a03
> O k3b detecta um drive /dev/scd0 como sendo o dev=11,0,0 e especificando
> esse device no cdrecord diretamente, nao funciona ...
> O k3b estah enviando esta linha de comando para apagar um cd-rw:
> /usr/bin/cdrecord.mmap -v gracetime=2 dev=11,0,0 speed=4 -tao
> driveropts=burnfree -eject blank=fast
> Mandando essa linha de comando diretamente no prompt SEM especificar o
> dev=11,0,0 ela irah funcionar!!
> Meu /etc/cdrecord/cdrecord  ..
> #################
> CDR_DEVICE=cdrom
> # drive name    device  speed   fifosize driveropts
> cdrom=          /dev/cdrom      -1      -1      burnfree
> ############################################
> Output do comando...
> # /usr/bin/cdrecord.mmap -v gracetime=2 speed=4 -tao driveropts=burnfree
> -eject blank=fast
> Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a03 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Joerg
> Schilling NOTE: this version of cdrecord is an inofficial (modified)
> release of cdrecord and thus may have bugs that are not present in the
> original version. Please send bug reports and support requests to
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. The original author should not be bothered
> with problems of this version.
> /usr/bin/cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.16
> /usr/bin/cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
> /usr/bin/cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or
> Solaris. TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
> scsidev: '/dev/cdrom'
> devname: '/dev/cdrom'
> scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
> Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
> Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
> Using libscg version 'debian-0.8debian2'.
> /usr/bin/cdrecord: Warning: using inofficial version of libscg
> (debian-0.8debian2 '@(#)scsitransp.c     1.91 04/06/17 Copyright
> 1988,1995,2000-2004 J. Schilling'). Driveropts: 'burnfree'
> SCSI buffer size: 64512
> atapi: 1
> Device type    : Removable CD-ROM
> Version        : 0
> Response Format: 2
> Capabilities   :
> Vendor_info    : 'MATSHITA'
> Identifikation : 'DVD-RAM UJ-822S '
> Revision       : '1.00'
> Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
> Current: 0x000A
> Profile: 0x0012
> Profile: 0x001B
> Profile: 0x001A
> Profile: 0x0013
> Profile: 0x0014
> Profile: 0x0011
> Profile: 0x0010
> Profile: 0x000A (current)
> Profile: 0x0009
> Profile: 0x0008
> Profile: 0x0002
> Using generic SCSI-3/mmc   CD-R/CD-RW driver (mmc_cdr).
> Driver flags   : MMC-3 SWABAUDIO BURNFREE
> Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO
> Drive buf size : 1310720 = 1280 KB
> Current Secsize: 2048
> ATIP info from disk:
>   Indicated writing power: 6
>   Reference speed: 2
>   Is not unrestricted
>   Is erasable
>   ATIP start of lead in:  -11078 (97:34/22)
>   ATIP start of lead out: 336075 (74:43/00)
>   1T speed low:  0 (reserved val  0) 1T speed high:  4
>   2T speed low:  0 (reserved val  5) 2T speed high:  0 (reserved val 12)
>   power mult factor: 3 5
>   recommended erase/write power: 3
>   A1 values: 02 3A B0
>   A2 values: 5C C6 26
> Disk type:    Phase change
> Manuf. index: 11
> Manufacturer: Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
> Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in real BLANK mode for single session.
> Last chance to quit, starting real write    0 seconds. Operation starts.
> Performing OPC...
> Blanking PMA, TOC, pregap
> Blanking time:    0.042s
> Nao achei uma maneira de fazer com que o k3b deixe de enviar a
> especificacao do dispositivo... Acho que esta seria a solucao..
> Obrigado pela atencao
> JA Tavares


Vc já tentou usar o cdrdao pelo k3b?


Márcio Inácio Silva - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.prfcb.org.br - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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