
Exceto pelo problema de acentuação do language chooser que verifique
agora e 
continua emperrando  :(

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
> Tudo pronto pro novo release dos boot-floppies para a Potato R2!
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: translating boot-floppies -- call for more updates
> Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 07:15:03 -0400
> Resent-From:
> Date: 28 Nov 2000 19:36:03 -0500
> From: Adam Di Carlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> CC:, Matej Vela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Andreas
> Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Tapio Lehtonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Edmund
> Petr Cech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Keita Maehara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Enrique
> Zanardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Risko Gergely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Michele
> Dalla Silvestra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Paolo Didonè
> Ok, we are finally nearing the point where we will be able to make
> practically (if not completely) internationalized boot-floppies.
> If we can work out a few final kinks, boot-floppies (for i386 and
> particpating porters) will be by default, internationalized.
> To see what that's like (with some warts), see
> Use the compact or idepci sets, which have the requisite framebuffer
> support.
> This means that the messages for dbootstrap are suddenly rather useful
> and practical and matter.  As the boot-floppies leader, I am sending
> out this call for translators to update their translations, and keep
> them updated.
> I apologize for any frustration on the part of non-English speakers or
> translators based on the fact that their translations have not been
> part of the mainstream version for so long.
> Based on what I can determine, these are the most untranslated
> messages, from worst to best:
>   it    last update: ?? prior to 1999-03-20
>   sk    last update: ?? prior to 1999-03-20
>   hr    last update: 1999-04-11 19:39  Matej Vela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   tr    last update: 2000-02-07 06:23  Andreas Mueller
>   fi    last update: 2000-02-10 14:10  Tapio Lehtonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   eo    last update: 2000-06-07 16:41  Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
>   fr    last update: 2000-06-17 21:52  Vincent Renardias
>   cs    last update: 2000-06-19 06:00  Petr Cech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   ja    last update: 2000-07-04 12:46  Keita Maehara
>   es    last update: 2000-08-24 10:04  Enrique Zanardi
>   hu    last update: 2000-08-30 09:10  Risko Gergely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   de    last update: 2000-09-11 09:58  Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The following languages are up-to-date:
>   pl
>   pt
>   ru
>   sv
> If a language is not listed here, and you would like to start that
> translation, it's never too late.  We are still making updates for
> Potato, and will soon be working on woody.
> For information on accessing the boot-floppies CVS area and help for
> translators, go to
> and look at the newest versions of README-CVS and README-Translators,
> respectively.
> --
> .....Adam Di [EMAIL PROTECTED]<URL:>

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

* Só conservamos, na velhice, uma espinha arqueada que se dobra ante os
novos fatos, quando nos mantivemos curvados durante a vida para evitar
os choques dolorosos com a realidade.
(Sigmund Freud)

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