Caros companheiros!!! 

Alguém por aqui poderia me dizer como eu faço para habilitar o plugin 
"CHACK_QUOTA" no Squirremail? 

Gerente de TI 
Tels: 2562-2887/2833

Siga as intruções do INSTALL se der erri posta ai...
Installing Check Quota
1) To install Check Quota, you must untar and gunzip the quota file you 
downloaded. This is an example to do this with version 2.2 of the plugin:
On Linux, FreeBSD, etc:
$ cd plugins
$ tar -xvfz check_quota-2.2-1.4.0.tar.gz
On Solaris, when using Solaris native tar:
$ cd plugins
$ gzip -d check_quota-2.2-1.4.0.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf check_quota-2.2-1.4.0.tar
2) Change into the check_quota directory, copy config.sample.php to
config.php and edit config.php, making adjustments as you deem
necessary (see "Configuring Check Quota" below).
$ cd check_quota
$ cp config.sample.php config.php
$ vi config.php
3) Then go to your SquirrelMail root directory and run configure. Choose
option 8 and move the plugin from the "Available Plugins" category to
the "Installed Plugins" category. Save and exit.
$ cd ../../
$ ./configure
PLEASE NOTE that if you are using the MOTD warning functionality in
Check Quota and you have any other plugins that modify the MOTD, you
should usually make sure that Check Quota is listed AFTER the other
MOTD-related plugins.

      Flickr agora em português. Você clica, todo mundo vê.

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