Faw, valeu pela resposta.
Acredito que agora o e-mail esteja no formato correto. :)

Com relação aos arquivos de log, eu não manjo de analisar e encontrar
erros ainda, é o primeiro servidor que instalo serviço por serviço.
Segue abaixo os conteúdos que foram apresentados após envio de
mensagem e a mensagem após usar o mailq.


-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
1CDC7AB1B4!     396 Thu Jan  3 07:35:33  root

B0623AB1B8!     621 Fri Jan  4 09:20:35  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

F17A2AB17B!     675 Fri Dec 28 09:40:04  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

7EE82AB1A9!     620 Fri Dec 28 09:23:36  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2EDBBAB1B0!     628 Wed Jan  2 08:37:52  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

D67CCAB1B7!     396 Fri Jan  4 07:35:12  root

DC1C7AB0ED!   16314 Fri Dec 28 09:29:54  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

659B1AB1B1!     798 Wed Jan  2 08:26:30  root

-- 23 Kbytes in 8 Requests.


 MailScanner[6519]: Enabling SpamAssassin auto-whitelist functionality...
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/smtpd[6523]: connect from
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/smtpd[6523]: B0623AB1B8:
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/cleanup[6526]: B0623AB1B8: hold:
header Received: from localhost (localhost [])??by
piraidigital.com.br (Postfix) with ESMTP id B0623AB1B8??for
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri,  4 Jan 2008 09:20:35 -0200 (BRST) from
localhost[]; from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> proto=ESMTP helo=<localhost>
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/cleanup[6526]: B0623AB1B8:
message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/smtpd[6523]: disconnect from
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop cyrus/imap[6490]: accepted connection
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop cyrus/imap[6490]: login: localhost
[] leonardo plaintext User logged in
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop cyrus/imap[6490]: open: user leonardo
opened INBOX/Enviados
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop cyrus/imap[6490]: seen_db: user leonardo
opened /var/lib/cyrus/user/l/leonardo.seen
Jan  4 09:20:39 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!


Jan  4 09:20:39 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!
Jan  4 09:20:44 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!
Jan  4 09:20:49 weber-desktop MailScanner[6536]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!


Jan  4 09:20:33 weber-desktop MailScanner[6514]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!
Jan  4 09:20:39 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!
Jan  4 09:20:44 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!
Jan  4 09:20:49 weber-desktop MailScanner[6536]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!


Jan  4 09:20:34 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: MailScanner E-Mail
Virus Scanner version 4.58.9 starting...
Jan  4 09:20:34 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: Read 764 hostnames
from the phishing whitelist
Jan  4 09:20:34 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: Using SpamAssassin
results cache
Jan  4 09:20:34 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: Connected to
SpamAssassin cache database
Jan  4 09:20:34 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: Enabling SpamAssassin
auto-whitelist functionality...
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/smtpd[6523]: connect from
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/smtpd[6523]: B0623AB1B8:
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/cleanup[6526]: B0623AB1B8: hold:
header Received: from localhost (localhost [])??by
piraidigital.com.br (Postfix) with ESMTP id B0623AB1B8??for
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri,  4 Jan 2008 09:20:35 -0200 (BRST) from
localhost[]; from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> proto=ESMTP helo=<localhost>
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/cleanup[6526]: B0623AB1B8:
message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop postfix/smtpd[6523]: disconnect from
Jan  4 09:20:35 weber-desktop cyrus/imap[6490]: login: localhost
[] leonardo plaintext User logged in
Jan  4 09:20:39 weber-desktop MailScanner[6519]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!
Jan  4 09:20:40 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: MailScanner E-Mail
Virus Scanner version 4.58.9 starting...
Jan  4 09:20:40 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: Read 764 hostnames
from the phishing whitelist
Jan  4 09:20:40 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: Using SpamAssassin
results cache
Jan  4 09:20:40 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: Connected to
SpamAssassin cache database
Jan  4 09:20:40 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: Enabling SpamAssassin
auto-whitelist functionality...
Jan  4 09:20:44 weber-desktop MailScanner[6531]: None of the files
matched by the "Monitors For ClamAV Updates" patterns exist!


Leonardo Rosa
PiraíDigital - Depto Softwares Livres
Tutor - Informática (Bio Mat Adm)
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Linux User #425466 (counter.li.org)
Debian GNU/Linux

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