netstat -tnlp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 *
LISTEN      1055/rpc.statd
tcp        0      0   *
LISTEN      1914/slapd
tcp        0      0   *
LISTEN      1044/portmap
tcp        0      0*
LISTEN      1155/named
tcp        0      0  *
LISTEN      1155/named
tcp        0      0    *
LISTEN      1169/sshd
tcp        0      0 *
LISTEN      1155/named
tcp6       0      0 :::389                  :::*
LISTEN      1914/slapd
tcp6       0      0 :::139                  :::*
LISTEN      1523/smbd
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*
LISTEN      1569/apache2
tcp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*
LISTEN      1155/named
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*
LISTEN      1169/sshd
tcp6       0      0 ::1:953                 :::*
LISTEN      1155/named
tcp6       0      0 :::445                  :::*
LISTEN      1523/smbd

<<@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@>>
                   Rodrigo Batista
               Cel:. 011-7865-6291

2010/8/31 Maiquel Consalter <>

> execute o netstat -tnlp e me envie. Quero ver se esta abrindo conexão para
> os servços.
> 2010/8/31 Rodrigo Batista <>
> [global]
>>         netbios name = CALIBRA
>>         workgroup = SVRCALIBRA
>>         guest account = nobody
>>         browseable = yes
>>         server string = samba ldap server
>> #
>> # estas opções abaixo apresentaram alguns, erros, se quiser, pode testar
>> # separadamente, eu estou sem tempo no momento para corrigir
>> #
>> #       hosts allow = 192.168.10. 127.0.0.
>> #       interfaces = eth0, lo
>> #       remote announce = []
>> #       bind interfaces only = yes
>>         wins support = yes
>>         name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast host
>>         time server = yes
>>         log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>>         syslog = 1
>>         log level = 1
>>         os level = 200
>>         security = user
>>         obey pam restrictions = yes
>>         socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>>         domain master = yes
>>         preferred master = yes
>>         local master = yes
>>         domain logons = Yes
>>         guest ok = yes
>>         case sensitive = no
>>         hide dot files = yes
>>         logon script = \\CALIBRA\netlogon\logon.bat
>>         logon home = \\%L\%U
>>         logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U
>>         logon drive = R:
>>         preserve case = no
>>         short preserve case = no
>>         default case = lower
>>         load printers = yes
>>         printcap name = CUPS
>>         printing = CUPS
>>         passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
>>         ldap passwd sync = yes
>>         ldap suffix = dc=svrcalibra,dc=com,dc=br
>>         ldap admin dn =  cn=admin,dc=svrcalibra,dc=com,dc=br
>>         ldap group suffix = ou=groups
>>         ldap user suffix = ou=users
>>         ldap machine suffix = ou=computers
>>         ldap idmap suffix = ou=users
>>         add user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m "%u"
>>         ldap delete dn = Yes
>>         add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
>>         add group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p "%g"
>>         add user to group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m "%u" "%g"
>>         set primary group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g "%g" "%u"
>> ## Samba com W7 - Teste
>> #Level0 oplocks = no
>> #ntlm auth = YES
>> #lanman auth = YES
>> #client ntlmv0 auth = YES
>> ## Samba com W7 - Teste.
>> [printers]
>>         comment = Impressoras
>>         printable = yes
>>         path = /var/spool/samba
>>         browseable = no
>>         guest ok = yes
>>         public = yes
>>         read only = yes
>>         writable = no
>> ;       create mask = 0700
>>         use client driver = yes
>> [homes]
>>         comment = Home Directories
>>         browseable = yes
>> ;       browseable = no
>>         writable = yes
>>         create mask = 0700
>>         directory mask = 0700
>> [netlogon]
>>         comment = Network Logon Services
>>         path = /etc/samba/netlogon
>> ;       guest ok = yes
>> ;       locking = no
>> ;       writable = no
>> ;       share modes = no
>>         public = no
>>         browseable = no
>>         read only = yes
>> ;       printable = no
>> ;       Level2 oplocks = yes
>> ;       write list = "@Domains Admins"
>> [profiles]
>>         comment = Roaming Profiles Folder
>>         path = /fileserver/profiles
>>         read only = no
>> ;       Browserable = no
>>         profile acls = yes
>> ---------------------------------
>> <<@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@>>
>>                    Rodrigo Batista
>>                Cel:. 011-7865-6291
>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 15:02, Rodrigo Batista 
>> <>escreveu:
>> já fiz e nao deu certo.
>>>  net getlocalsid
>>> [2010/08/31 14:58:24,  0] lib/smbldap.c:690(smb_ldap_start_tls)
>>>   Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Protocol error
>>> SID for domain CAL is: S-1-5-21-504039972-2025785800-4197324826
>>> vou providenciar mais segui este link.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> <<@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@>>
>>>                    Rodrigo Batista
>>>                Cel:. 011-7865-6291
>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 14:48, Maiquel Consalter <
>>>> escreveu:
>>> Certo, estranho, desconfio que o LDAP esteja parado mesmo. Da um restart
>>>> nos serviços,
>>>> e tente logar novamente. Caso não funcione, envie o smb.conf.
>>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 14:46, Rodrigo Batista 
>>>> <>escreveu:
>>>> Tem maquina que entra no dominio e outras nao.
>>>>> ja estou olhando no Ldap mais ainda nao achei o erro.
>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>> <<@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@>>
>>>>>                    Rodrigo Batista
>>>>>                Cel:. 011-7865-6291
>>>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 14:43, Maiquel Consalter <
>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>> Não não é preciso fazer no XP. Cara acho que esta com problema no
>>>>>>  ldap..
>>>>>> veja isso. "* Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!"*
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 14:40, Rodrigo Batista <
>>>>>> > escreveu:
>>>>>> ainda nao cheguei a alterar a chave do w7 porque estou tendo problema
>>>>>>> no XP.
>>>>>>> ou é necessario fazer isso no xp
>>>>>>> *tail /var/log/auth.log
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:18:09 Pinta-Silva su[1479]: pam_unix(su:session): session
>>>>>>> opened for user clamav by (uid=0)
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:18:10 Pinta-Silva su[1479]: pam_unix(su:session): session
>>>>>>> closed for user clamav
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:18:10 Pinta-Silva su[1479]: pam_unix(su:session): session
>>>>>>> closed for user clamav
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:29:18 Pinta-Silva login[1130]: pam_unix(login:session):
>>>>>>> session opened for user root by LOGIN(uid=0)
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:29:18 Pinta-Silva login[1130]: pam_unix(login:session):
>>>>>>> session opened for user root by LOGIN(uid=0)
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:29:18 Pinta-Silva login[1680]: ROOT LOGIN  on 'xvc0'
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:39:01 Pinta-Silva CRON[1769]: pam_unix(cron:session):
>>>>>>> session opened for user root by (uid=0)
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:39:01 Pinta-Silva CRON[1769]: pam_unix(cron:session):
>>>>>>> session opened for user root by (uid=0)
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:39:02 Pinta-Silva CRON[1769]: pam_unix(cron:session):
>>>>>>> session closed for user root
>>>>>>> Aug 31 14:39:02 Pinta-Silva CRON[1769]: pam_unix(cron:session):
>>>>>>> session closed for user root
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *tail /var/log/samba/log.pc-teste
>>>>>>> [2010/08/31 14:38:55,  1] lib/smbldap.c:1265(another_ldap_try)
>>>>>>>   Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!
>>>>>>> [2010/08/31 14:38:56,  0] lib/smbldap.c:690(smb_ldap_start_tls)
>>>>>>>   Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Protocol error
>>>>>>> [2010/08/31 14:38:56,  1] lib/smbldap.c:1265(another_ldap_try)
>>>>>>>   Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!
>>>>>>> [2010/08/31 14:38:57,  0] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:387(get_md4pw)
>>>>>>>   get_md4pw: Workstation PC-TESTE$: account does not have a password
>>>>>>> [2010/08/31 14:38:57,  0]
>>>>>>> rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:584(_netr_ServerAuthenticate3)
>>>>>>>   _netr_ServerAuthenticate3: failed to get machine password for
>>>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>>>> <<@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@>>
>>>>>>>                    Rodrigo Batista
>>>>>>>                Cel:. 011-7865-6291
>>>>>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 14:30, Maiquel Consalter <
>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>> Que tipo de pau?.. Consta algo nos logs? Vc alterou/adicionou as
>>>>>>>> chaves no registro conforme o Wiki?
>>>>>>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 14:28, Rodrigo Batista <
>>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>> Atualizei o samba para 3.4 e agora esta dando pau.
>>>>>>>>> o que pode ser
>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> <<@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@>>
>>>>>>>>>                    Rodrigo Batista
>>>>>>>>>                Cel:. 011-7865-6291
>>>>>>>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 12:06, Maiquel Consalter <
>>>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>> Talvez ajude.
>>>>>>>>>> Em 31 de agosto de 2010 12:05, Rodrigo Batista <
>>>>>>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>> Olá galera alguem tem algum tutorial de como poder integar o w7 no
>>>>>>>>>>> ldap.
>>>>>>>>>>> ja tenho um ambiente desse e esta rodando perfeiro com xp mais
>>>>>>>>>>> acredito que para windows 7 nao esta apto ainda.
>>>>>>>>>>> quem pode me ajudar.
>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> <<@@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@>>
>>>>>>>>>>>                    Rodrigo Batista
>>>>>>>>>>>                Cel:. 011-7865-6291
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Att,
>>>>>>>>>> Maiquel
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Att,
>>>>>>>> Maiquel
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Att,
>>>>>> Maiquel
>>>> --
>>>> Att,
>>>> Maiquel
> --
> Att,
> Maiquel

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